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Can stage 4 cancer be cured?

Surgery can remove many types of tumors with chemotherapy, and radiation. It becomes difficult to stop cancer from spreading throughout the body. In addition, many scientists and doctors are currently working to find new treatments for metastatic cancer. In this article, let’s see which Stage 4 cancer treatment options are available and whether it is curable? These are frequently asked questions about the condition.

When cancer cells spread from the original tumor and become new tumors by the bloodstream or lymph vessels, metastatic cancer, also known as stage IV or advanced cancer, is often called metastatic cancer. According to the cancer doctor in Mumbai, stage 4 cancer is curable. However, it depends on various parameters. 

Can metastatic cancer be treated?

There are many treatment options for metastatic cancer. It all depends on the location of metastatic cancer and its spread. Chemotherapy is often combined with radiation and helps to shrink the tumor. Stage 4 cancer treatment includes therapies, surgery, and a post-treatment plan. 

Also Know: Early Symptoms of Cancer

Certain types of metastatic cancer are becoming more curable as researchers make further advances in treatment. In addition, these include colon cancer, melanoma, and other types of metastatic cancer. However, palliative therapies are more common for metastatic cancer. Therefore, they can reduce symptoms and improve quality of life, but they cannot eliminate cancer.

Palliative care can help keep the disease under control for years for many people. It allows cancer to be treated as a chronic, manageable condition that can be managed and maintained for long periods. While some drugs may keep tumors away for long periods, resistance can develop.

Which treatment helps to cure stage 4 cancer?

There are currently no proven ways to stop cancer from spreading. It is essential to get rid of primary tumors as soon as possible before they spread to other parts of the body. It is necessary to screen for cancer early. Even if cancer is caught early enough, there may be tumor cells in the bloodstream and lymph vessels not detected.

Cancer cells can spread to nearby lymph nodes. Cancer cells can also apply to the brain, liver, lungs, and bone. Certain types of cancer are more likely to spread to specific organs. Stage 4 cancer is the most severe stage of cancer. It spreads quickly to the brain, lungs, and heart. Most often, prostate cancer can cause severe complications to other organs. 

The treatment option may include therapies, surgery and post-treatment care. 

How does hormone therapy help to treat stage 4 cancer?

Hormone therapy is a treatment that stops your body from producing testosterone or blocks the effects of testosterone on cancer. Cancer may shrink or slow down if the hormone supply is cut off.

Hormone therapy helps in the treatment most commonly in men with stage 4 prostate carcinoma. However, chemotherapy helps to treat cancerous cells. As long as the treatment is effective, the patient can continue hormone therapy. The doctor may also combine it with radiation therapy or surgery. 

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy employs high-powered beams, such as protons and X-rays to kill cancer cells. For stage four prostate cancer, radiation therapy involves a large machine that moves about your body and directs energy beams to the area surrounding cancer (external beam radiotherapy).

The therapy with hormone therapy for men with substantial prostate tumors or cancer that has spread nearby to lymph nodes (a locally advanced form of prostate cancer). The patient may also destroy any remaining cancer cells after surgery.

Radiation therapy can treat pain and other symptoms in men who have cancer.

Other options available for stage 4 cancer treatment

Chemotherapy is a treatment that slows the growth of cancer cells, relieves symptoms, and prolongs the life expectancy of men who have advanced prostate cancer.

The doctor can train your immune system to recognize cancer cells. 

Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses your immune system against cancer cells. Sipuleucel T (Provenge) is an immunotherapy that genetically engineers your immune system to fight prostate cancer. Other options in Stage 4 cancer treatment hormone therapy are the best ones.

Bone-building medications. Men with prostate cancer may have broken bones due to medications used to treat osteoporosis (thinning of bones).

Infusions with a radioactive substance

The doctor may infuse a radioactive substance into a vein to treat prostate cancer. Strontium-89, samarium153 (Quadramet), and radium-223(Xofigo) target bone-growing cancer cells. It helps to reduce the symptoms of cancerous cells. 

What happens to palliative care in stage 4 cancer treatment?

Palliative medicine is medical care that provides pain relief and other symptoms associated with severe illnesses. Palliative care specialists will work with your family and other doctors to offer additional support. Stage 4 cancer treatment and diagnosis are essential before palliative care. 

Every cancer patient shall take palliative care during the cancer treatment. Palliative care services are provided by specially trained nurses, doctors, and other professionals. Palliative care teams help to improve the quality and life of people living with cancer and their families. 

Treatment options beyond the traditional method

  • A doctor might suggest that the patient doesn’t continue treatment if cancer spreads beyond the initial round.
  • A doctor might recommend alternative treatments to conventional cancer treatments.
  • A clinical trial: Researchers may offer experimental treatments for cancer. However, these treatments may be riskier than the traditional ones.
  • Palliative care: The doctor may recommend that you stop treatment and continue to treat cancer symptoms.
  • Hospice: This type of palliative care focuses on end-of-life.


It can be devastating and shocking to learn that you have stage four prostate cancer. Each man will develop his ways of coping with the emotions that he experiences. You’ll find your way too.

If you are concerned about persistent symptoms or signs, you should see your family doctor. Your doctor will likely refer you to an oncologist if you are experiencing stage 4 cancer. 

However, if you notice any side effects, it is wise to consult the best oncologist. Credihealth allows you to get online consultation for the same.

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.