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Brain Tumor: Overview, Symptoms and Risk factors

A brain tumor spreads rapidly, as it has uncontrolled growth. In addition, it creates a mass of cancerous cells in the brain. If the tumor is in your brain, then it is known as a primary brain tumor. Once the tumor starts spreading to other parts of the body, it is called a secondary brain tumor. As we know, a brain tumor can be a dangerous condition that makes you lose your life if not treated on time. Besides triggering headaches and migraine are some of the symptoms.

However, it is essential for a complete physical examination. Yet, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital offers complete medical and physical examinations for your condition. 

5 Major Symptoms of Brain Tumor

  • Headache

A patient first encounters a triggering pain in the brain. A typical headache will fade away within 2 to 3 days. However, if you have a brain tumor, then the headache lasts long more than a week. The internal nerves get damaged due to headaches.

  • Vision problems

The brain is a part of the nervous system. In addition, it controls the vision activity. Thus, brain tumors will cause a problem in vision. The patient may encounter a problem seeing the object.

  • Sleep problems

It is quite natural to experience sleep problems while struggling with brain conditions. The patient may also feel like their body is in an inactive state. You may feel that your body is drowning and exhausted. 

  • Vomiting

It is one of the most common symptoms of a brain tumor. You may feel nausea or vomiting for the entire period. Due to the nauseous feeling, patients may not be able to intake food. Thus, patients are given more fluid during the treatment.

  • Forgetfulness

You may experience memory loss and forgetfulness due to the condition. You may experience problems in thinking and may not be able to remember a few things. A patient also encounters problems in thinking ability. 

Some other symptoms include:

  • Weakness in the face, one side of the body, and limb.
  • Difficulty while walking
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Changes in mood and personality.
  • Memory loss
  • Bladder problems
  • Change in behavior
  • Not able to read and talk
  • Difficulty in thinking ability
  • Hearing problem
  • Vision problem

Also Know: 7 Warning Sign of Brain tumor

Which are the diagnostic tests?

  • The doctor will perform a physical and medical examination for the condition. In addition, the expert will look for your medical history report. The physical exams include neurological examination, MRI, CT scan, and PET scan. The doctor will look for your eyes to examine the symptoms of a brain tumor. 
  • The expert will evaluate muscle strength, memory, and ability to think. CT scan of the head will help to determine the internal structure of the brain. It takes a detailed look at your body. 
  • MRI of the brain gives more information about the brain than a CT scan. Skull X-ray is necessary that reveal the internal damage to the brain. A biopsy involves injecting a sharp needle into the brain to take out a sample of the tissues. The samples are sent to a laboratory to examine any suspicious brain condition.
  • Besides, a blood and urine test helps to detect the affected organs due to brain tumors. 

Brain Tumor Surgery

A neurosurgeon will perform the brain tumor surgery. The surgery involves removing the tumor that has been diagnosed. The doctor will make an incision in the brain. It will help to expose the area of the cancerous tumor. 

Besides, the treatment also depends upon the grade of the brain cancer. The surgeon will remove the large tumor nodes. It helps to reduce the symptoms and improve the health condition. 

The doctor may provide chemotherapy before the surgery. Besides, the patient may not feel any pain during the surgery. The patient is given general anesthesia to reduce the pain. You may need 5 to 6 days to recover from the surgery. Furthermore,  Fortis Hiranandani Hospital offers various types of treatment for brain tumor symptoms. There are various types of brain tumor surgery, it includes: 

  • Craniotomy Surgery
  • Endonasal Endoscopy
  • Neuroendoscopy
  • Tumor Laser Surgery
  • Pituitary Tumor Surgery

Seven benefits of Brain Tumor Surgery 

  1. The tumor surgery helps to stop the growth of the cancerous tumor.
  2. It can treat the large size of brain tumors. 
  3. The surgery will enhance new cells and stop the old cells from regenerating. 
  4. Cancer surgery will kill the DNA of the cells. Hence, there is no chance for the old cells to develop.
  5. Brain tumor surgery can save your life.
  6. It stops the other organs from getting damaged by the cancerous cells. 
  7. It contributes to the development of new cells. 

What are the risk factors?

  • Family history: It can happen that anyone from the family member has been diagnosed with the same condition.
  • Age: It has been observed that most brain tumor increases with age.
  • Chemical exposure: People who are exposed to chemicals are prone to develop cancerous cells. 
  • Exposure to radio waves: If you are exposed to ionizing radiation, it can increase the risk of brain tumors. Besides, radiation therapy also causes damage to the brain cells. It has high-radiation fallout. 
  • Genetic condition: A condition inherited from a parent or a distant family relative with biological history. 
  • Cell phone use: Cell phones deliver radiofrequency rays that cause radio waves. Hence, if you are exposed to radio waves, then it is a risk factor.
  • Exposure to electromagnetic fields from radar, power lines, and satellite stations also increases the risk factors.

Diagnosed with a brain tumor can bring discomfort to the patient. As we know, the word “tumor” resembles cancer. However, not every tumor is dangerous. Yet, if you notice the signs and symptoms, seek emergency medical advice. Malignant brain tumors may need immediate treatment. Besides, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital offers complete treatment for the brain condition under one roof.

There is no doubt that brain tumors can cause serious complications. If the condition is not treated on time, it may damage the other organs. Besides, brain tumor surgery is one of the best treatment options for brain tumors. In addition to this, the therapies include chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, and hormonal therapy.

Where can I get a second opinion on a brain tumor?

It is always wiser to take two-three opinions of the health expert for your health condition. Besides, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital has a dedicated department that deals with brain tumor conditions. In addition, they also have a team of professional doctors. Credihealth allows you to get an expert opinion; you can call +91 8010-994-994 and book a video consultation with the doctors.

Also Know: Immunotherapy treatment for Brain Cancer  | Best Brain Tumor Surgery Treatment

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.