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Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disability that is caused by changes in the brain. Some people with autism have different characteristic features that are genetically connected. And some may have the problem but do not develop it fully due to age factors. There are believed to be multiple causes of Autism spectrum disorder that act together to change the way a person reacts or develops. Scientists are still looking to learn about the different causes and impacts of ASD on the behavior of people.

The doctors of Kamineni Hospital are dedicated to the diagnoses, prevention, and early treatment of psychiatric disorders. Psychiatry undertakes the spectrum of mental disorders that are connected with behavioral, cognitive, and physical changes. The doctors of Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar curate the patient’s history and evaluate the present mental health status. The doctors are further dedicated to their work, devoting their time and teamwork to the development of health.

At what age does Autism spectrum disorder begin?

There is not a particular definition to define how people with Autism spectrum disorder set themselves apart from other people. Their behavior, communication, and learning abilities vary significantly. For example, people with ASD can have advanced communication skills while others may not refer to communication at all. Some need a lot of help in doing their daily activities while others live with no support at all.

Autism spectrum disorder may begin at the age of 3 and can last throughout the life of a person. However, the symptoms may improve over time. There are some children with ASD who start showing the symptoms at an early age of 12 months of life. In others, the symptoms may not show up until 24 months. There can also be chances that children may develop outstanding skills at the age between 18 to 24 months. After that, it all suddenly stops and makes them fully forget what they had learned earlier. At one point in life, they may have achieved the milestones in life while at the other point they may also become the loser.

Know Also – Ways to improve mental health

Diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorder includes testing of several conditions separately. These may include pervasive developmental disorder, autistic disorder, and Asperger syndrome. These conditions together are called Autism spectrum disorder. People with ASD may develop restrictions with social communication and interaction. They may also have restricted behavior disorders and restricted interests. It is important to note that people without any characteristic feature of ASD may also have these symptoms. But, for people with ASD, these characteristics cause a challenging change in their behavior.

What are the characteristics of children with autism?

Social communication and interaction skills

Children with Autism spectrum disorder may develop significant social, communication, and interaction skills. Some of the examples have been shown here.

  • Generally avoids eye contact
  • Does not like to respond to name
  • Possess difficulty in expressing feelings like happiness, sadness, anxiety, crying, etc.
  • Avoid playing interactive games where they get a chance to communicate with their peers.
  • Use only a few signs of gesture, like, they may have a problem while simply saying a goodbye
  • Do not like to show interest in other things where children normally react
  • Do not notice whether or not the other person is hurt. They just like to do things of their interest.
  • Shows little interest in peers
  • Possess little interest in connecting with other people or taking care of their feelings
  • Do not play games by 60 months of age

Restricted Behaviors or Interests

Children with Autism spectrum disorder may develop certain characteristic behavior that differentiates them from other peers. These behaviors and interests may help define their problems with them. They may also develop restricted social communication and interaction. Examples of restricted or repetitive interests related to ASD include:

  • Line up the toys or other objects and gets upset when the order is changed by someone
  • Sometimes like to repeat their bad actions, phrases, or even words
  • Tries to play with the toys the way they like or the same way once they have developed
  • Focuses more on the small things instead of trying to work with major objects
  • Get upset by minor changes
  • Obsessed with their interests in life
  • Follow their routines instead of working on casual daily work
  • Plays in their way, flap hands, move in a circle, and do activities that do not match their age
  • possess unusual reactions to react against certain things like sound, smell, taste, look, or feel

Other Characteristics

Most people with Autism spectrum disorder develop their interests they may have the following characteristics that may differentiate them from others:

  • Delay in developing language skills
  • Delay in developing movement skills
  • Delay in developing cognitive or learning skills
  • Develop impulsive and hyperactivity
  • Seizure disorder
  • An unusual way of eating
  • Constipation and other related gastrointestinal issues
  • Unusual emotional reactions
  • Lack of fear for usual things or may develop a lot of fear for unexpected things

Identification of ASD

Identification of Autism spectrum disorder requires early surveillance. Disorders related to psychiatric issues require watchful screening throughout the development of a child. If your child is active in doing any of these things, encourage your child with conversation and develop an emotional touch with them. Trying to change the skills and ability of your child creates a first step towards such medical disorders.

Doctors at Kamineni Hospital will help you develop material for the early detection of disorders related to Autism spectrum disorder. They help to monitor the child’s development and understand the concerning factors where you can help your child. The hospital may provide a checklist to parents that can help them understand the behavioral changes of their child. For all these steps, you may require deep surveillance which may take you a few days. With overall brainstorming, you can connect with the child and help them develop.

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