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How to Reduce Wisdom Tooth Pain?

You may wonder how to reduce wisdom tooth pain. It is one of the common problems while you are at the age of 17 to 25. This is because the teeth start moving up through the jawbone. The wisdom tooth starts coming out of the jawline and it becomes the common part of your chewing mechanism. 

Sometimes, you suffer severe wisdom tooth pain that persists for more than a day. This can make your dentist suggest you remove the wisdom tooth. There are many ways to reduce the pain, some can be natural, and some work with over-the-counter effects. However, you can still book your appointment with your dentist. This will save you from future problems.

Wisdom tooth pain and the related facts

Wisdom teeth often get impacted. This is the reason they do not come out of the gums and remain inside the jawline. At least 70 percent of people have at least one wisdom tooth that is impacted. However, you can still feel pain because of your wisdom tooth. This can also lead to other problems, like:

  • infection
  • cavities
  • bacteria growth and related gum disease

An impacted tooth can harm the surrounding teeth. It can also lead to the development of cysts around the wisdom tooth. In addition, the location is not feasible for better hygiene and cleaning. It possesses the potential of harming your whole mouth.

As a result, your dentist may suggest you remove the wisdom tooth. While you are waiting for your turn with your dentist, you can manage your pain with the below-mentioned methods.

What are the methods to reduce wisdom tooth pain?

  • Saltwater rinse

Between 17 to 25, at least every person visits their dentist asking how to reduce wisdom tooth pain. However, one of the common remedies is saltwater. You can make a saltwater solution by adding sodium chloride or salt to the water. Wisdom tooth pain can hurt you while the pain erupts your gums. The saltwater keeps your mouth clean and free from harmful germs. Saltwater is supposed to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol that is one of the natural cooling compounds. It reduces pain and provides you with immediate relief. Moreover, peppermint possesses many applications. The remedy of using peppermint in case you have wisdom tooth pain is safe and beneficial. You can try soaking a cotton ball into a small amount of peppermint extract. Apply the dipped cotton on your impacted gums. You can also use peppermint tea to reduce pain.

  • Clove oil

How to reduce wisdom tooth painit is one of the most asked questions especially from the side of teenagers. Let us tell you if you do not have anything ready-made for yourself, you can simply buy it from a store. It is one of the active ingredients that possess anti-inflammatory properties, antimicrobial properties, and antioxidant effects. If you are not able to find cloves, you can also purchase clove oil or can simply boil a few cloves to make clove water. Massage with the clove oil or water onto your painful gums. You should avoid overdose and should have the use of clove oil up to 30 milliliters.

  • Cold and heat therapy

Try applying an ice pack on your cheeks. It will reduce swelling and will also give you relief. Applying ice on the impacted area will numb the senses. You can also choose to apply heat. It will help in relieving tension and will increase the blood flow. You can either apply a cold or heating object on your cheek depending on what suits you best. Some people alternate between cold and heat treatment.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps to soothe the inflamed or injured area. It reduces inflammation and also reduces growing pain. If you have scratches or cuts in your mouth, you can simply apply aloe vera gel. You can also use glycerine that possesses similar effects. These products can give you temporary relief.

  • Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil possesses antibacterial properties and helps in killing bacterial growth. The oil is so potent that you can apply the oil directly to your gums. You can dilute some amount of tea tree oil with coconut oil. Make sure you do not swallow the oil and rinse it immediately after treatment.

  • Crushed garlic and ginger

It is one of the most effective remedies for reducing any kind of tooth pain. Garlic and ginger possess antibacterial properties. You can make a paste of ginger and garlic, it will be an effective way. You can also use both substances separately. Try applying the kix of crushed ginger and crushed garlic on your gums.

  • Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen is one of the over-the-counter medicines that provide you immediate relief from pain. It is available in high doses. It is produced with the brand name Tylenol. However, you should not have an overdose of acetaminophen. It can damage the liver and can cause gastrointestinal symptoms. You should avoid taking the medicines on your own. Always get prescribed by any doctors before coming to it.

  • Ibuprofen

It is one of the over-the-counter medicines that help to relieve inflammation and pain. It is sold with the generic name Advil. The medicine helps to reduce inflammation at the site.

  • Aspirin

Aspirin can reduce severe headaches and can also help you with reducing wisdom tooth pain. It is one of the effective medicines that possess pain-dulling agents. If you are feeling discomfort in your mouth, you can try using this. Try taking aspirin under the supervision of your doctor only. Also, pay close attention to the label. This will help you work on your pain and the causes of inflammation.

What are other causes of mouth pain?

Sometimes it is not only the wisdom tooth pain that is causing discomfort in your mouth. There can also be some other potential reasons. This may include:

  • Sharp pain: the pain may come from your cavities for which you may require immediate filling or crown.
  • Throbbing pain: This may develop because of the infection and other periodontal diseases.
  • Jaw pain: This can develop because of the temporomandibular joint that may hurt your whole jawline.

Under any kind of circumstances, you should consider talking to your dentist. Do not leave your diseases or the sign for the next day. Try reaching out to your doctor immediately after you receive the symptoms.

When is the right time to go to a doctor?

Schedule an appointment when you have:

  • Sharp pain in your mouth
  • Frequent headaches
  • Bloody saliva
  • Feel of growing or bulged gums

Though not everyone may require wisdom tooth removal, you can work on seeking answers for your most asked question- How to reduce wisdom tooth pain. Hopefully, you will land the procedure that may help you reduce pain from roots.

If you or anyone you know is going through severe wisdom tooth pain, you can consult the experts of Shree Hospital.


Your wisdom tooth pain may take some time to relieve. You can get the support of your doctor for the healing process. But in the condition of pain, you should avoid taking hard things like nuts and try reaching out to soft food. Do not chew from the painful side. Use over-the-counter mouthwash. Also, you should avoid using straws as sucking food can increase bleeding from inside the teeth. After you have the removal of your wisdom tooth, discuss the follow-ups with your doctor and immediately seek a medical appointment.

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.


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