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Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Cancer?

There can be varied factors contributing to cancer’s cause to some extent. But, one’s laser hair removal is not that thing. An individual can just remove his hair through laser hair removal and nothing else. Besides that, the person needs to get through all its side effects at first. Still, one’s thought of laser hair removal causing cancer is a myth. So, an individual may consult an oncologist for this purpose. 

The reader may find out the pros and cons of laser hair removal through this article. Also, one can get knowledge about the side effects in a detailed manner.

Does Laser Hair Removal Cause Cancer?

Undoubtedly, laser hair removal is a safe procedure that can be well-tolerated. But, the person need not relate cancer with laser hair removal at all. Doctors use this technique for treating precancerous lesions. Besides that, a dermatologist takes its helps to cure wrinkles and skin damage. 

Further to this, one must note that a very less amount of radiation is present in such a procedure. Simultaneously, doctors just target the skin’s surface to use minimal radiation. Therefore, people need not worry about cancer risk through laser treatment. 

What are the side effects of Laser Hair Removal, if not cancer?

Precisely, laser hair removal gives a permanent solution for hair removal. Here, an individual may be amazed at the efficacy of this procedure. But, one need not forget about a few side effects that it causes. However, one must note that such side effects are quite minor. Generally, the person needs to visit a doctor for address this. 

So, one’s side effects of laser hair removal may include the following:

  • Redness and Irritation

Many individuals tend to remove follicles of targeted hairs through this procedure. At times, one’s body reaction can end up in redness in that affected portion. Further to this, the person’s skin may start swelling a bit. Besides that, an individual‘s skin may look like the skin that has been just plucked. But, people need to remember that these changes are too short-lived. Generally, one’s irritation goes away after certain hours of treatment.

  • Eye Injury

The doctors use powerful lasers to aid in the process of laser hair removal. Here, one’s risk of having eye damage remains quite prominent at that time. Mainly, an individual faces the risk during the practitioner’s work on the face portion. So, the patient and practitioner must use protective eye equipment to assure safety.

  • Variation in Skin Color

Truly, the person’s concern about laser hair removal causing cancer is irrelevant. But, one can notice a change in skin color in the area that is treated. Most importantly, one can have darker or lighter skin color depending upon the treatment. Simultaneously, an individual with light skin can have darker skin pigmentation. Eventually, one’s dark skin tone can turn light with this treatment. However, one’s skin can turn normal within a few days. 

Also Know: What are the symptoms of Skin Cancer?

  • Crusting

At times, people may note skin crusting in the area of treatment. One may consider this as minor but it becomes quite inconvenient. Many individuals also face skin scarring through crusting. Here, one can use some moisturizer for preventing crusting. Besides that, an individual may contact a doctor for attaining this side effect. 

  • Scars

One needs to know that scars aren’t the side effects of laser hair treatment. An error by the practitioner may end up in skin scarring at times. Following that, an individual may not face it with an experienced practitioner. Additionally, one can have scars by not caring about the treated portion. In general, the person needs to protect the skin as much as they can. So, one may make it a habit of using moisturizers daily. 

  • Burns and Blisters

In case, one’s laser hair removal doesn’t go right then burns may occur. A resilient practitioner won’t allow burns and blisters formation. Furthermore, the person must note that high-heat lights are used by these lasers. Following that, a doctor may use the cooling device on the skin initially. 

Therefore, people can have one or multiple types of side effects depending upon the treatment. Generally, an individual must know about all these beforehand. Here, one’s awareness can save him from affecting the skin anyway. 

Other Myths about Laser Hair Removal besides Cancer

By now, one would have understood the myth of laser hair removal causing cancer. So, an individual’s myth regarding cancer may include the following:

  • Causing Infertility

People assume that laser hair removal can have the risk of infertility. But, an individual must know that lasers don’t penetrate deep inside. Doctors target only a specific portion of skin in that treatment.

  • Painful Procedure

Truly, doctors use advanced technology for treating the skin with lasers. Following that, an individual’s concern about pain doesn’t have any relevance. Besides that, one’s hair follicles are touched rather than any other part. Even a person’s surrounding areas of treatment don’t have any damage. 

  • Cause More Hairs to Grow

Usually, an individual’s hair growth on the treated portion is stopped with laser hair removal. But, the person may face hair recurrence in rare cases only. Furthermore, one’s hair follicles may get repaired from the damage also. So, an individual may note hair regrowth then. 

Hence, people need not get tensed by certain misconceptions regarding this procedure. One must know that the laser hair removal technique is quite effective too. 

How can you get cancer if not by laser hair removal?

The top oncologists blame several factors for triggering this deadly disease. An individual may relate some environmental causes to cancer. But, one need not trust laser hair removal causing cancer anyway. 

One can have cancer in the following ways:

  • Due to their Lifestyle

Many individuals love to spend their lives drinking alcohol constantly. They damage their DNA unknowingly in this process. Moving on, people smoking cigarettes carry a risk of cancer extensively. Furthermore, an individual destroys the functioning of the immune system in this manner. Here, one’s cancer treatment won’t be beneficial in any way. Besides that, the person can have division of cancer cells.

  • Lack of Exercises

People who are lazy enough to carry out physical activities have a risk of cancer. In general, an obese person doubles his possibility of having cancer. Following that, one’s need for daily exercises holds much significance here. Here, the person must carry out exercises for about 15 to 20 minutes per day. Even walking for 20 minutes nearby can be truly beneficial.

  • Food Habits

People must consider food habits to be one of the top causes leading to cancer. Most importantly, a person’s craze for processed meats doesn’t improve health in any way. Following that, one’s intake of greasy foods may trigger cancer cells as well. Here, an individual’s consumption of dark green vegetables becomes a must. Furthermore, a doctor’s advice regarding diet can also help a lot. 

  • Health Conditions

A person’s severe health condition may weaken his immune system considerably. In general, a person having diabetes can hamper his health in the long run. Moving on, an individual must take care of his overall health every time. Eventually, one’s improved health can fight off cancer cells.


People must not be tense regarding laser treatment’s involvement in causing cancer. Following that, an individual should know the details of its side effects. Moreover, one must know the top causes of cancer growth as well. Therefore, the person may contact the oncologist for this cause. 

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.


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