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Know Everything About PET Scan Test

A Positron Emission Tomography is a diagnostic test that can detect diseases in the body. Most importantly, the doctors use radioactive tracers through this device. In general, an individual’s metabolic changes can be seen from this test. Besides that, a doctor may use a PET Scan test for proceeding with treatment. However, the person won’t feel any pain after undergoing this imaging test. So, one may consult the doctors of any cancer hospital for knowing more about this. 

Here, an individual may come across the purpose of a PET scan. Eventually, the person can also know certain side effects of this test. 

What is PET Scan?

Doctors recommend PET Scan for getting an understanding of certain serious diseases. Here, one may swallow the radioactive tracers for deriving a definite result. Simultaneously, a doctor may inject this tracer in the vein as well. An individual’s specific body part is taken into consideration in this test. Following that, the person’s body absorbs the tracer after some time.

Furthermore, a doctor may find out about the functioning of certain tissues by undergoing PET Scan. Usually, one’s blood flow, use of oxygen, and many other things can be seen. However, the person needs to note that it is an outpatient procedure.

What is the purpose of a PET Scan?

The PET scan test can be performed for examining various conditions of the body. Usually, a doctor can check problems based on a cellular level through this. 

So, one’s purpose for PET Scan may include the following:

  • Helps in Cancer Detection

Usually, a person’s cancerous cells contain an extensive metabolic rate as compared to noncancerous cells. Following that, one’s cancer cells reflect as a bright spot on a PET scan. Here, an individual can know about the spread of cancer cells to distant organs.

Besides that, an oncologist may recommend a PET Scan for checking cancer recurrence. Additionally, one can know about the working of chemotherapy through this test. So, a doctor needs to go through the results of the PET Scan quite carefully.

  • Checking out Heart Problems

Mainly, a person’s decreased blood flow concerning the heart can be seen through PET Scan. In general, one’s healthy heart tissues use more of the tracer as compared to unhealthy ones. Here, an individual can see different colors on the scan depending upon the tissue functioning. Furthermore, a cardiologist may plan for the treatment means as per the results. 

  • Detecting Brain Disorders

A doctor attaches glucose along with PET Scan for checking out major brain disorders. Here, one’s use of radioactive glucose may reflect the usage of glucose accordingly. Following that, a doctor may check for brain irregularities with its help. Moving on, a person may detect Alzheimer’s disease, depression, head trauma, and many other defects. 

Therefore, an individual’s PET Scan test speaks a lot about metabolic functioning. Here, a person’s physiological activities can be easily tracked by doctors.

Top Risks of PET Scan

People must be aware of the radioactive material used during PET scans. Here, a person needs to know about the minimal amount of radiation used in this diagnostic test. Following that, an individual may have several health complications with this.

So, one’s main risks associated with PET Scan may include the following:

  • Other health conditions

An individual may face an allergic reaction to the usage of radioactive tracer. Here, the person must inform the concerned doctor about their history of allergic reaction to PET Scan. Following that, one suffering from asthma, dehydration, and heart disease should remain cautious. 

  • Pregnant People

Usually, a doctor may not consider radiation’s usage for the health of a developing fetus. So, women must avoid PET scans during the phase of their pregnancy. 

  • Additional effects

Many times, an individual’s claustrophobic condition can become quite devastating for the health. Even, a person being uncomfortable with needles shouldn’t go for PET Scan.

However, one may also go through vomiting, fatigue, and headache while having PET Scan. Eventually, a person may end up with certain allergic reactions as well. So, an individual should confirm with their concerned doctor about this condition. 

How can you prepare for a PET scan?

Generally, a doctor issues the guideline for aiding in preparing for a PET Scan. One needs to tell the doctor about their consumption of OTC as well as other supplemental medicines. 

So, one can prepare for the PET Scan test in the following ways:

  • Before some days

Here, an individual may be restricted from strenuous activities before undergoing a PET Scan. In general, one must avoid deep tissue massage before 24 to 48 hours of sleep as well. 

  • Before one day

People should stick to a low-sugar diet within 24 hours of having this test. In general, an individual must maintain a distance from pasta, rice, milk, and alcohol too.

  • Before Few Hours

A person receiving anesthesia mustn’t eat or drink anything for the PET Scan. But, an individual may take a few drops of water along with certain medication. However, a person should refrain ignore the intake of chewing gum at that moment. 

  • Important Considerations

Generally, an individual must notify the doctor about their medical condition without any hesitation. Moving on, a person suffering from diabetes can have a separate guideline for the test. Likewise, pregnant women will deal with the situation differently. 

What should you do after having a PET Scan?

Usually, a patient may contact a doctor for receiving further instructions after having a PET Scan. Here, the person should note that radioactive material may remain in their body for some time. Following that, an individual should restrict himself from meeting pregnant women. 

Besides that, one should drink an ample amount of water for flushing out the radioactive tracer. Moving on, an expert will go through the test for deriving at a conclusion. Here, an individual can discuss the same with his concerned doctor.

How accurate is the result of a PET Scan?

Truly, doctors consider PET scans to be quite relevant for tracing any kind of serious disease. A person can have an understanding of cancer through this. Following that, one must note that its sensitivity for detecting cancer ranges somewhere between 97-100%. Besides that, a person’s specificity can be estimated up to 62-100% for the same disease.

Eventually, a resilient doctor may monitor defective heart conditions in a quite specific manner. Moreover, one should know that scans are reliable for about 6 months to 1 year itself. 

What are the limitations of a PET Scan?

Most importantly, a person must remember that the accuracy of a PET Scan can’t be correct always. One’s slow-growing tumors may not be able to take much tracer. Following that, a person’s small tumors might not be detected through PET scans.

Besides that, an individual’s high blood sugar level can cause damage to healthy cells. Here, one cannot blame radioactive material for causing this kind of damage.


People must remain aware of the implication of PET scans in identifying certain diseases. In general, the person should follow strict guidelines before preparing for this test. Besides that, an individual must consider certain limitations of having a PET Scan. Still, one need not doubt its accuracy in detecting certain conditions. Furthermore, the person must remain aware of certain limitations of this diagnostic test as well. However, an individual needs to consult the doctors of VS Hospital for this cause. 

Also Check: What is the role of Biopsy in Cancer treatment?

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.


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