What is the difference between Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack?

What is the difference between Cardiac Arrest and a Heart Attack?


How do you distinguish between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack? It’s one of those questions that has many different answers. So first, we’ll discuss what causes it, who might be impacted by it, and how to avoid it if you go into cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is “a sudden interruption of the heart’s blood supply.” The interruption in blood flow often leads to death or permanent disability (permanent vegetative state).

No matter how light the symptoms appear, make sure to get medical advice. Besides, it is wise to get a treatment plan for heart problems from the best cardiologist in Mumbai.  

What is Cardiac Arrest?

Cardiac arrest is a medical condition that results in a sudden and complete cessation of the heartbeat and breathing. It is often the result of an acute respiratory or cardiac event such as a heart attack, stroke, or severe trauma. A main cause of death from cardiac arrest is cardiopulmonary complications such as hypoxia due to poor circulation. Because this type of death can occur with little warning, CPR plays an important role in saving people who have suffered cardiac arrest and getting them back on their feet. To be certified as a CPR instructor, one must complete classroom and hands-on training.

What is a Heart Attack?

If a large enough portion of the heart muscle is affected by a blockage, it will not be able to function properly, and so it will start to die. A heart attack can include chest pain, nausea, and shortness of breath.

The best way to save someone who has suffered from a heart attack is to call 911 or have an emergency medical technician transport them to an emergency room as quickly as possible.

Difference between Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs where the blood supply in the heart is interrupted. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart malfunctions and stops providing oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. It means that the risk of dying from a heart attack is half of what it appears to be. In addition, many people suffer from other medical conditions such as lung disease and diabetes without realizing they have cardiomyopathy.

The death rate from cardiac arrest has increased dramatically in recent years because many people now smoke or take illicit drugs, which increases their risk of suffering a heart attack.

Cardiac arrest causes more complications than a heart attack. The patient may suffer a heart attack, stroke, or go into pre-arrest cardiac arrest. The victim may also suffer a stroke as a result of cardiac arrest.

How to identify you have a Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack?

Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack symptoms may have no visible signs. You may only feel uncomfortable or have a sudden onset of chest pain. If you suspect you have suffered a heart attack, wait 15 minutes before taking any action to ensure that the patient truly has a heart attack. 

Besides, if you suspect someone has suffered a cardiac arrest, start CPR immediately until the ambulance arrives. If you are unsure whether the person has suffered a cardiogenic arrest, don’t hesitate to give CPR. Even if it is not safe to use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, chest compressions effectively restore circulation if the victim is unconscious.

When do you experience a “stroke” in Cardiac Arrest or Heart Attack?

You can experience a stroke when there is an interruption in the blood supply. The brain cells that are starved of oxygen die, resulting in blindness and paralysis if the part of the brain affected does not recover services from other parts. 

There are two main types: an acute attack, which occurs suddenly and lasts for about 24 hours, and a sub-acute attack which appears suddenly but lasts longer periods (for example, 2–6 weeks). 

You usually experience a stroke in a cardiac arrest than a heart attack. However, it is a very common cause of death in people who suffer a heart attack. Thus, it is essential to get immediate heart attack treatment. 

The main symptoms of stroke include a sudden loss of control over part of the body, such as paralysis or numbness. If you or someone you love experiences these symptoms and are experiencing unexplained chest pain, weakness, or confusion, you need to immediately get them to the ER.

Cardiac arrest as a result of anaphylaxis: A dangerous approach to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in anaphylactic shock is a widely held misconception and may be explained by the lack of knowledge among health professionals concerning the dangers of allergic shock and the limited number of trained individuals performing CPR on such patients.


Once you have read this article. Then, you should have understood what a heart attack is and the difference between a stroke and cardiac arrest. However, if you do not know the difference between these two conditions, please contact your doctor or emergency room as soon as possible. In such a case, you can get emergency medical advice from a Cardiologist in Mumbai. 

The top cardiologist in Mumbai is highly qualified in treating heart-related problems. Hence, they are available on Credihealth to provide their best medical practice.

Other useful links:

What Causes Heart Disease?

Coronary Heart Disease Symptoms

Coronary Bypass Surgery Risk Factors

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