Uncovering Domstal Tablet Uses, Price, Benefits and Side Effects


Welcome to our blog on the many uses of Domstal tablet! You may have heard of Domstal as a medication used to treat indigestion and heartburn, but did you know it has many other uses as well? This blog will dive into how Domstal can be used, from relieving digestive issues to combating motion sickness. 

We’ll also discuss the science behind how Domstal works and provide information on potential side effects and precautions to consider when using this medication. Whether you’re looking for a new solution to an old problem or want to learn more about the versatility of this popular medication, we hope you’ll find our blog informative and helpful.

An Overview of Domstal Tablet uses

Domstal tablets are a medication used to treat digestion problems such as indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. They contain the active ingredient domperidone, which belongs to a class of medications called dopamine antagonists. When taken orally, Domstal tablets work by blocking the action of dopamine in the brain, which helps reduce the production of stomach acid and stimulate the digestive system’s muscles.

In addition to its use in treating digestive issues, Domstal tablet have also been effective in combating motion sickness. Motion sickness is a common problem that can occur when the brain receives conflicting signals from the eyes, inner ear, and sensory receptors in the skin. Domperidone can help to alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness by blocking the action of dopamine in the brain, which can help to reduce feelings of nausea and vomiting.

Domstal Tablet Uses

  • Domstal pills are a type of drug used to treat digestive problems such as heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion.
  • It helps reduce the production of stomach acid and stimulate the digestive system’s muscles.
  • Domstal tablets have also been effective in combating motion sickness.
  • Domperidone can help to alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness by blocking the action of dopamine in the brain, which can help to reduce feelings of nausea and vomiting.
  • It is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as gastroparesis, and the relief of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease.
  • The tablet is preferred in the treatment of certain types of breast milk production problems in lactating women.
  • Some people have a genetic variation that makes them unable to use domperidone.
  • Domperidone is used in the treatment of newborn jaundice, and the relief of cramps and other symptoms associated with pre-eclampsia.
  • Domperidone is also used for treating constipation by generating intestinal peristalsis by stimulating dopamine receptors in the gut.
  • The tablet is used for relieving nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, and to control nausea that can occur during pregnancy.
  • It is also used to treat symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and has been shown to increase the flow of breast milk by non-nursing mothers.
  • Domperidone is used in the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in children who are more than three years old, as well as adults who have failed conventional medical treatments for this condition.

Price of Domstal Tablet in India

  • The price of Domstal Tablet in India may vary on various factors, including location, and demand. The price starts at Rs.100 for a set of tablets.
  • The price of Domstal Tablet in India will be updated once the information is available.
  • To know the exact price of any medicine, please leave a query at Pharmapacks.com.
  • Domstal Tablet is used to treat Gastroparesis, Parkinson’s disease, and lactation problems, among other conditions.
  • Domstal Tablet can treat gastroparesis in adults with Type 1 Diabetes that is not well-controlled with insulin.

Benefits of Using Domstal Tablet

  • It helps to treat gastrointestinal disorder
  • The Domstal tablet helps to treat Parkinson’s disease
  • The tablet helps to treat breastmilk problems among breastfeeding women
  • The Domstal tablet is a treatment for gastroparesis
  • It is also a treatment for the other disorders mentioned above
  • It helps to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, and the side effects of other drugs.
  • The drug is also used to decrease excessive stomach acid production in patients with GERD.

In short, domperidone is an oral anti-gastric emptying drug and it may be used as dopamine antagonist in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, among other medical conditions.

How Domstal Tablet helps to treat motion sickness?

  • Domstal tablets contain the active ingredient domperidone, a dopamine antagonist medication used to treat digestive issues such as indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux.
  • Motion sickness is a common problem that can occur when the brain receives conflicting signals from the eyes, inner ear, and sensory receptors in the skin. This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Domperidone helps to block the action of dopamine in the brain, which can help to reduce these symptoms.
  • It’s important to note that Domstal tablets should only be used as directed by a healthcare provider. Further, it’s also important to be aware of potential side effects, including dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth.
  • It’s always better to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication. Also, to follow the recommended dosage and frequency as directed.

Is Domstal a habit-forming medicine?

Domstal tablets contain the active ingredient domperidone. A dopamine antagonist medication is used to treat digestive issues such as indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. Further, it is not considered a habit-forming medicine, meaning it is not likely to cause physical dependence or addiction when taken as directed.

However, it’s important to note that any medication has the potential to cause side effects and should be used with caution. It’s always better to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new medication and follow the recommended dosage and frequency as directed. It’s also essential to be aware of the potential for drug interactions and to inform your healthcare provider of any other medications you are taking.

Can I drink alcohol while using a Domstal tablet?

  • It is generally not recommended to consume alcohol while taking Domstal tablets or any other medication.
  • Alcohol can interfere with how the medication is metabolized in the body and may increase the risk of side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the medication.
  • If you take Domstal tablets and wish to consume alcohol, you must speak with your healthcare provider for specific advice.
  • They can consider the potential risks and benefits and advise you on the best action.
  • Generally, it is always better to use caution when combining alcohol with any medication and follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations.
  • Once you understand the different Domstal tablet uses, it is essential to know what are the side effects.

Side Effects of Using Domstal Tablets

Like all medications, Domstal tablets may cause side effects in some people. Common side effects of Domstal tablet may include:

  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Rash
  • Allergic reactions

Less common side effects may include:

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Difficulty breastfeeding
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Tremors
  • Visual disturbances

It’s important to note that these are just some of the potential side effects of Domstal tablets and that not everyone who takes the medication will experience these or any other side effects. If you take Domstal tablets and experience unusual symptoms, you must contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation and advice.

It would help if you spoke with a healthcare expert before starting any new medication and followed the recommended dosage and frequency as directed. It’s also essential to be aware of the potential for drug interactions and to inform your healthcare provider of any other medications you are taking.


In conclusion, Domstal tablets are a medication used to treat digestion problems such as indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. They contain the active ingredient domperidone, which belongs to a class of medications called dopamine antagonists. Domstal tablet uses can also be effective in combating motion sickness and may have potential uses in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, and the relief of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease.

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