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Why Do Women Face Jaw Pain During Pregnancy?

Well, a pregnant woman having jaw pain suffers from temporomandibular joint dysfunction. One can’t have any specific reason for hurting the jaw. Following that, an individual’s problem with the jaws can be its outcome. Also, Some women experience hip pain during pregnancy.

So, readers can read this article to know the tips to manage jaw pain during pregnancy. Moreover, one’s pregnancy factors affecting it should be considered. So, one must take adequate care during the pregnancy phase.

Why does a pregnant woman face jaw pain?

A woman’s temporomandibular joints get triggered during pregnancy. An individual’s lower jaw is associated with the skull. However, individual pain in the jaw gets increased during the pregnancy phase. This is because of the following reasons:

  • Hormonal Changes

woman can experience jaw pain during pregnancy due to estrogen hormones. Further, the woman’s joints get boosted causing temporomandibular dysfunction. An individual’s hormone gets expanded for enabling childbirth. Thus, a woman is left in deep pain following the jaw.

  • Victims of morning sickness

A pregnant woman vomits frequently. Following that, an individual’s neck muscle gets pressurized. Furthermore, one’s jaw is stretched to maintain the stomach’s content. Moreover, a woman can result in straining the jaw muscles as well. Therefore, the pregnant woman suffers in the temporomandibular joints.

  • Teeth’s grinding

Usually, a woman can perform the involuntary activity of grinding her teeth. The doctor refers to this term as bruxism. Mainly, a pregnant lady with excess stress carries out this activity. Eventually, a person’s stress can hurt the jaw. Thus, the pregnant lady can end up triggering temporomandibular dysfunction. 

  • One Side Sleeping Posture

In certain women, the sleeping pattern can cause jaw pain. So, a woman’s jaw pain during pregnancy occurs due to the one-side sleeping posture. An individual in pregnancy can disturb the jaw muscles inconsiderably. 

  • Being Calcium Deficit

Usually, a baby has to get enough calcium for its skeletal growth. Furthermore, a mother must take this into concern until the third trimester. The mother’s lack of calcium in the blood can be devastating. Following that, one’s body sucks the blood from the bones of the baby. Therefore, an individual can become a victim of jaw pain in this process. 

  • Injury

The woman’s injurious jaw can be a result of jaw pain. Even, a pregnant woman can hurt herself in simple day-to-day activities. Thus, an individual fall can also become dominant in the pain. 

  • Wisdom Teeth

A pregnant woman’s wisdom teeth can result in an eruption. Following that, an individual’s teeth can get pushed against the others. So, a person can experience a feeling of stiffness in the jaw. Therefore, an individual’s jaw pain begins at a rapid pace.

  • Cardiac Diseases

Generally, the pregnant woman can carry certain cardiovascular diseases. An individual’s jaw pain can be its outcome. So, both pregnant, as well as non-pregnant women, can have this issue.

However, an individual can have several reasons for irritating the jaws. To-be-moms must stay away from such conditions. Most importantly, a gynecologist’s advice can become fruitful in this regard. Some women experience rib pain also during pregnancy. 

Main Symptoms of Jaw Pain during Pregnancy

Mainly, an individual in pregnancy can suffer from a bad jaw. But, a woman must realize those symptoms for its early treatment. So, the main symptoms of jaw pain in pregnancy include the following:

  • Temporomandibular joint clicking can indicate severe jaw pain. 
  • A pregnant woman having a problem in chewing must consider this pain.
  • One can have major swelling in the face. Following this, a pregnant woman must become alarmed.
  • Even, a woman’s neck pain can be a symptom. So, an individual’s problem in the neck can cause jaw issues.
  • The pregnant lady can have to experience irritating headaches. But, one can have pain only in the temple region.
  • A woman can have a problem expanding her mouth. So, an individual can face a tough time in this phase.
  • Even, the woman’s jaw muscles can turn sore. She can sense much pain in that area.
  • Some women can join locks in the temporomandibular muscle. Following that, one’s jaw issues can become triggered. 
  • At times, a to-be-mom can experience tensions. So, a person’s stress can boost jaw pain too. 

Therefore, the woman’s jaw pain in pregnancy can have multiple symptoms. One must remain aware of each one of them. 

Best Tips to Manage Jaw pain during pregnancy

The pregnant lady can become a victim of jaw pain due to several reasons. She must know certain ways to alleviate her pain. Also, a consultation with the doctors can help. 

Therefore, an individual can counter her pain by following certain tips. These tips are as follows:

  • Dietary Change

Usually, a pregnant woman has to think twice before eating food. The family members must monitor her food habits adequately. Furthermore, an individual must consume certain soft items to avoid jaw pain. So, a woman’s intake must include easily chewed foods. 

  • Changing Postures

An individual during her pregnancy must stay from sloughing near the TV. One must avoid working on the laptop too. So, an individual can avoid front bending in this way. Further, one shouldn’t allow her jaws to strain much. Eventually, a woman can relieve her pain by sitting with support.

  • Avoiding mouth widening

The woman’s jaw pain during pregnancy can revolve around facial movements. An individual should restrict herself from laughing loudly. 

  • Using Ice

The woman can rely on ice application on her external jaw. So, an individual can relieve her pain this way. Even a pregnant lady can escape muscle spasms this way.

  • Changing sleeping pattern

An individual must restrict herself from sleeping in one pattern. The woman can stick to soft pillows for her help.

Thus, a pregnant woman can rely on those tips to avoid jaw pain. Even a pregnant woman can maintain her overall health following this. So, a to-be-mom should relieve her from unwanted stress.

You can consult with any doctor for the same. Even a woman can talk with a good gynecologist to find solutions.

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.

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