How to Reduce Breast Size? Say Goodbye to Busty Troubles


Women always seek what they think is the answer to perfect breast size. Many struggles with their bust size and often want them reduced. There are many ways to reduce the fullness of your breasts, but not all of these methods are safe or effective. Here we will discuss some natural reduction methods that will help you shrink your bust size while respecting your health and body. If you wonder how to reduce breast size, then read further to find all the answers. 

Many ways are used to reduce breast size; one is to consume certain foods or products. We all have our favorites, but some foods can be unhealthy and dangerous. If you want to know the natural ways to help you shrink your bust size, read this article carefully.

Some women desire a small bust size, while others love larger breasts and a better-shaped appearance.

Tips for maintaining the breast size

A study done in 2008 showed that women with smaller breasts have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Even though some people believe that the bra is the cause for this increase in risk, it was estimated that 90% of the problem could be attributed to genetics. Larger breasts may present a problem if they are not well balanced with our bodies, but let’s consider that most of us do not want to be so big.

Here are the tips mentioned by the doctors for maintaining breast size:

  1. Work the arms to help correct posture
  2. Wear a bra that provides the right support
  3. Find a way to have the breasts lifted
  4. Wear a sports bra or a proper swimsuit that doesn’t show the underwires
  5. Avoid drinking more than two glasses of wine per day, as it may cause decreased breast size
  6. Breastfeeding can help women to regain their original breast size after childbirth
  7. Only banding your breasts for four weeks at each stage can be effective in reducing the size of your breasts

Exercises that help to reduce breast size

There are various exercises and yoga positions that help to maintain breast size. Few are: 

  • The straddle pose

You must bend and spread the legs apart. This shall enhance the breast size.

  • The goddess pose

Stand on your feet with toes pointing straight back and hands together in front of the chest between breasts. Lean forward, gently touching palms to the floor, then step back into a lunge deeper than the previous one and repeat 12-16 times.

  • The warrior pose

Put your right foot forward, and bending the left leg, put your hand on the thigh of the left leg. Further, push your body forward and stretch the other hand toward the ceiling. Breathe in deeply, then exhale. Repeat this process at least ten times.

  • The bridge pose

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and try to lift your feet flat. Lift hips from the floor as high as possible and hold that position for 30 seconds, breathing very slowly and deeply throughout the whole time of holding the position.

  • The triangle pose

Sit on the floor, knees bent and legs apart, so your thighs touch the floor. Widen the arms out to sides, palms facing down, and fingers pointing at each other. Take three breaths in and one out; repeat 10-12 times.

  • The frog pose

Lie flat on your flat stomach with your legs. Press both hands into the floor with elbows out. Keep back straight, lift your chin to your chest, and look to the ceiling with your eyes closed.

  • The camel pose

Sit on the floor with knees bent, heels together, and toes pointed out. Lift your chest and place both hands behind your body. Slowly lift your chest until you can feel your elbows bending back. Breathe out and repeat ten times.

  • The breast enhancement breathing exercise

Breathe deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth while tightening the lower stomach muscles, hold your breath for a minute, then breathe out through your mouth while rolling your shoulders up to your ears, then gently release them down. There is no perfect answer to how to reduce breast size, but one can obviously perform the exercise to maintain them. 

Does wearing a bra helps to reduce breast size?

Wearing a bra can help to reduce breast size in some cases. Of course, many people wear a bra just because it’s the norm and feels uncomfortable without one. Some other reasons that people might wear a bra are:

  • To minimize or avoid sagging skin on the breasts, which can make them look saggy or wrinkled and sometimes even appear smaller.
  • As an alternative to wearing breast implants.
  • Making your back look straight is important for photo shoots and dance performances.
  • To make the nipples look more pointed and poutier, and to give a good shape to your breasts.
  • Also, to create a fuller look under clothes.

In some cases, it can be useful to wear a bra to reduce breast size if they are too big because they can cause back pain and other problems due to the weight of that large mass on the ribcage. But regular bras designed for daily wear work differently. They’ll make the breasts saggy and wrinkle faster, as they’re not designed to hold the breasts up instead of sagging.

Wearing a bra does not reduce breast size

If you want to know how to reduce breast size using something other than a bra read further. 

Nowadays, there are bra inserts that you can wear inside your bra instead of a bra if your breasts are too big and the bra makes them look saggy. These inserts were made to avoid sagging because they’re specially designed to hold up large breasts without letting them droop or sag.

However, these inserts don’t change the size of your breasts; they push them up so they appear bigger and perkier. Only some people find this to be comfortable, though. If you want something that will change the breast’s size while reducing it, then get in touch with the doctor. 

Bras with wide and deep cups can give a more pointed look to your nipples and make them look poutier. Therefore, wearing a bra can help some women to achieve their desired breast size by using a wider cup if their breasts are saggy or wrinkled.

Can we reduce the breast size?

Most of us are unhappy with our breasts unless they are large and perky, but it is impossible to make them bigger or smaller at will. The breast tissue is made of fatty and glandular tissues, and those tissues don’t grow or shrink at will.

It is possible to gain weight in the chest area that can lift the breasts and give them a fuller look when lying down, but most of us don’t want breasts that big. The most we can do is to diet and exercise to lose fat from the breasts, but that won’t give us smaller breasts. Many women think about how to reduce breast size, but there is no specific answer to this. 

If you want smaller breasts without surgery, go for instructions and pictures on making them smaller and perkier by reducing their size.

We have read in the news that breast reduction surgery is becoming increasingly popular recently, mostly among women working in the modeling and entertainment industries who wish to appear more attractive.


Breast reduction operations do not answer all your breast problems. Surgery is definitely an effective way of dealing with some forms of breast problems, but it’s still quite risky.

For other kinds of breast problems, such as sagging, back pain, and other health problems caused by them, you need to find a healthy diet and exercise regime to reduce your breast size by reducing fat content. If you want to know more about how to reduce breast size contact a health professional. 

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