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When Does Ectopic Pregnancy Pain Start?

Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous pregnancy problem that happens when a fertilized embryo attaches outside of the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube. As a result, it is commonly referred to as a “tubal pregnancy,” albeit in extremely rare situations, an ectopic pregnancy might develop on the cervix, ovary, or elsewhere in the abdomen.

Ectopic pregnancies are a very uncommon disorder that affects between 1% and 2% of women of reproductive age. Unfortunately, in the instance of an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is not viable since embryos cannot live outside of the womb. If left untreated, the illness can cause significant harm to reproductive organs and possibly be fatal. 

What are the different types of ectopic pregnancies?

Depending on the location, there are two forms of ectopic pregnancy:

  • Tubal pregnancy – In most ectopic pregnancy instances, the egg implants in the fallopian tube, a condition known as tubal pregnancy, and begins to develop there. Usually, More than 90 percent of ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes of a woman.
  • Non-tubal Ectopic pregnancy – Approximately 2% of all ectopic pregnancies develop in other organs such as the ovary, cervix, or abdominal cavity.

When does Ectopic Pregnancy occur? 

A variety of reasons can cause an ectopic pregnancy. Anatomical abnormalities of the fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs and inflammation or infection of one or both fallopian tubes are typical causes. Certain factors may raise your chances of having an ectopic pregnancy which includes:

  • Approximately half of all ectopic pregnancies are caused by a previous infection in the fallopian tube, such as salpingitis.
  • A fallopian tube operation may result in harm and the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • A family history of infertility and the use of fertility treatments
  • A prior ectopic pregnancy puts you at a 10% risk of having another one.
  • Using IUDs (Intra-uterine devices) with contraceptive pills on a regular basis
  • Smoking
  • The age (usually more than 35 years increases your risk)

However, it is crucial to remember that ectopic pregnancy can occur without any of the above risk factors. A third of the women in such situations did not have any of the ectopic pregnancy risk factors.

What are the early symptoms of Ectopic pregnancy?

During the early stages of an ectopic pregnancy, you will experience common pregnancy symptoms such as missed periods, nausea, and aching breasts. After six weeks of pregnancy, you may notice some unusual pregnancy symptoms.

The following are some early indicators of ectopic pregnancy to be aware of:

  • Vaginal bleeding, usually of watery quality, with blood that may be brighter or darker than typical.
  • An ectopic pregnancy generally causes one-sided discomfort. The stomach discomfort is usually on one side and can be severe and constant.
  • Shoulder discomfort is often felt near the point of the shoulder. This is caused by internal bleeding, which occasionally irritates certain nerves in that location that are directly related to your shoulder.
  • Urination or feces that is painful.
  • Rectal pressure causes diarrhea.

Get medical attention immediately if you see any of the following symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. It can generate life-threatening difficulties for the mother if it is delayed.

When Does the Pain of Ectopic Pregnancy Begin?

Ectopic pregnancies initially exhibit normal pregnancy symptoms such as breast pain, nausea, and a missing menstrual period. However, within a few weeks, many women with ectopic pregnancies will experience vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain, despite that half of ectopic pregnancies have no odd symptoms.

Ectopic pregnancies are usually detected between 6 and 8 weeks of pregnancy. For example, if the ectopic pregnancy occurs outside of the fallopian tubes (for example, in a C-section scar), symptoms may arise later.

Can Ectopic pregnancy be detectable easily?

Usually, it is difficult to notice any difference between normal and ectopic pregnancy in the first few weeks. But as soon as you experience any symptoms must seek a gynecologist for early detection of the abnormal pregnancy as it can be a life hazard for the mother if not diagnosed or treated. A doctor at Jaslok hospital may recommend blood tests to check your status from the start.

  • Blood test – Your doctor uses a blood test to validate your HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) levels. The HCG levels in an ectopic pregnancy stay low, but in a normal pregnancy, the levels double every 48 hours in the first several weeks. In this approach, frequent blood tests inform your doctor about the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy developing.
  • Pelvic Ultrasound – A transvaginal ultrasound can confirm an ectopic pregnancy a few weeks after conception. The radiologist inserts a piece of wand-like equipment into your vagina to generate pictures of the uterus through sound waves and assess the pregnancy.

How is Ectopic Pregnancy treated?

While still considered a pregnancy, Ectopic pregnancies are dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. As a result, ectopic pregnancy needs immediate treatment. These are some examples:

  • Medications –If you are identified with an ectopic pregnancy before it becomes an emergency, your doctor may prescribe you drugs to inhibit the fast division of cells within the ectopic mass. This medicine will produce cramping and bleeding and allow the ectopic tissue to pass easily – comparable to a miscarriage.
  • Surgical procedures – However, surgery is chosen over drugs in many circumstances. 

Complications – 

When the embryo implants in the fallopian tube, it lacks the space to grow and the blood flow to keep it alive, and it dies. The tube may begin to bleed or leak some of the tissues. Some embryos continue to develop and may become large enough to rupture the fallopian tube. This might result in serious bleeding as well as shock.

How to get help – 

By evaluating pertinent information such as rating, reviews, a health professional’s experience, pricing comparison, treatment alternatives, credibility, and hospital amenities, you may choose the best doctor and hospital in all key disciplines. You may also receive a second opinion from a health expert and take advantage of potential savings on online reservations.

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