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What should be the Newborn baby weight?

The birth of a newborn is surely a blessing. But every blessing comes with a concern. It is very natural for mothers to become conscious of the health of their newborns or related to newborn baby weight. From the weight to other health conditions, the mothers are always concerned. According to the experts at Rainbow Hospital, a baby’s weight depends upon gender, length, and gestational age.

What is the ideal newborn baby weight?

The ideal weight is different for a girl and a boy child. The average baby weight of the newborn ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. The weight of the newborn girl shall be 2.4 to 4.2 kg. Besides, the weight of the newborn boy shall be 2.5 to 4.3 kg. The newborn can have a low birth weight if the average weight is below 2.5 kg. 

If the newborn body weight ranges between the mentioned bodyweight, then the child is healthy and nourished. It can also happen that the baby’s weight is lower than expected. However, there are various deciding factors for the same. Parents need not worry about the lower weight. As long as the newborn does not have any health condition, everything is fine. 

The nutritionist at Rainbow Hospital provides a diet plan for the same. It helps to recover the lower weight and add more strength to the newborn. 

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Baby with Low Birth Weight

  • It is natural for the parents to be concerned about the newborn. Born with a low birth weight can make anyone anxious, especially when you are a mother. Low birth weight can lead to many conditions such as low immune system, lack of strength, and lack of nutrition. 
  • It is also observed that babies born with low birth weight struggle in school life and sports. As the school and academic needs energy and immunity, the child struggle in such circumstances. Lower intelligence and poor health are also witnessed in such children. However, these are the later predictions that a newborn can overcome. 
  • A baby with a low birth weight has low blood sugar. In addition, they also have too many red blood cells. Hence, it can be a concerning element for the parents.

What are the deciding factors for newborn baby weight?

As we know the low birth weight can cause many health conditions. However, it is equally important to know the factor that affects the baby’s weight. It includes:

  1. A mother’s health is the first deciding factor for the baby’s weight at birth. The baby’s weight is closely related to the mother’s physical condition. 
  2. Family history is also one of the parameters. It happens that the family members were born with the same condition. 
  3. The gender of the child is a deciding factor. Besides, boys tend to be larger and girls smaller at birth. 
  4. Nutritional status of the mother and child.
  5. Premature birth is one of the deciding factors that affect the baby’s weight at birth.
  6. Birth order also has a contribution to baby weight. According to experts at Rainbow Hospital, babies born first are small compared to the second child.
  7. Parents/couple health also contributes to the baby’s weight. 

Does birth weight matter?

  • Yes, birth weight matters, as many health conditions are related to it. As we know, low birth weight can cause lower intelligence and a poor immune system. If your baby is born in a normal condition and does not have any symptoms, then everything is fine.
  • A sensitive situation such as a newborn with a heart defect may need more medical attention. If the baby is born with low birth weight may witness oxygen deficiencies and low blood sugar. In some cases, it also happens that such newborns turn out more healthy over the period. 
  • Prematurely born babies are more prone to heart conditions. In some way or the other, birth weight does matter. Therefore the mothers need to take care during pregnancy. The newborn’s health entirely depends on how well you take care of yourself during the prenatal stage.

What is the solution?

Prenatal care and a nutritional diet can contribute to the development of the child. Therefore it is essential to add more nutrition to your diet. Mothers shall know that the child’s health depends on what they consume in the diet. 

Make sure to add more fibers and proteins to the diet. It increases strength and develops the immune system. Besides, fish and meat once a week contribute to producing more protein in the body. 

During the pregnancy, a follow-up check-up is necessary. It helps to monitor the health conditions. If the baby has any heart defect, it can be discovered in the check-up. Get complete prenatal care during the pregnancy. 

Mothers can be concerned about low birth weight. It is entirely natural, and it is quite possible to give birth at a lower weight. Once the baby is born, make sure that the child gets complete neonatal care. Besides, Rainbow Hospital has a dedicated neonatal intensive care unit. Further, you shall pay attention to breastfeeding, as it provides complete nourishment to the newborn.

Being a mother, keep yourself healthy and follow a balanced nutritional diet. The newborn gets all the food and nutrition from the mother’s breast. Hence, it is pretty essential to keep yourself healthy. Besides, a complete check-up after, ensures that your baby has all development or not. The growth check-ups help to monitor health and keep a track record.

How to get a complete growth check-up?

Newborns with low birth weight are more likely to face health conditions. Besides, a check-up is necessary from time to time. It helps to monitor health problems and get solutions immediately. Furthermore, Rainbow Hospital offers complete growth check-ups for the newborn in a series of sessions. You can also get complete medical guidance for post-natal care. Thus, you can call on +91 8010-994-994 and book an appointment with the health expert. 

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.