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Breast Biopsy: Procedure, Risks, and Recovery

A breast biopsy is recommended for breast cancer patients. It is a procedure in which the doctor takes a sample of breast tissue. Furthermore, it is sent to a laboratory for examination. It helps to evaluate the presence of a lump or portion of your breast is cancerous. The biopsy procedure may cause some discomfort, but it is not usually painful.

A doctor usually does the procedure called a pathologist. A pathologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing the cause of disease. The goal of the biopsy is to remove cells that look abnormal under the microscope and make sure they are cancerous. Besides, Fortis Hospital Mohali has the best team of doctors that delivers the best results.

A pathologist will examine these cells closely so that they can provide information about whether or not cancer exists. If cancer does exist, the type and grade of cancer can also be determined by this analysis. For example, a breast biopsy provides information about whether or not one has breast carcinoma (cancer).

What is the procedure of Breast Biopsy?

An incision is made in the breast, usually during a lumpectomy. Then, a small tissue sample is removed using a biopsy needle surgical tool.

The tissue sample is sent to a lab for analysis until the results are ready.

Some doctors recommend that you have several types of screening exams, often called “triple testing.” It may include the following:

  • a chest x-ray to check for signs of cancer in your lungs and lymph nodes
  • An MRI to examine the size and shape of the breast tumor and the extent it may have spread to other parts of your body.
  • A mammogram that uses low-dose x-rays to take pictures of breast tissue so doctors can evaluate whether or not it looks abnormal. A mammogram can detect too small cancers for either test alone when used with MRI.

This procedure may feel uncomfortable or even painful, but the pain should be minimal and temporary. You may feel discomfort in your breasts or underarm area after the procedure until your breast heals, which will take three to six weeks. In addition, there may be some swelling that can last up to 12 weeks after the procedure.

What percentage of breast biopsies are cancer?

When checking into what percentage of bust biopsies are cancer? The solution is now– only 20%.

If you’ve been recommended you should have a bust biopsy, your very first concern may be, “What percentage of breast biopsies are cancer cells?”. 80% returned as noncancerous. It is because advancements in screening technology have enhanced the ability to identify problems in bust cells. And also since they can capture cancer cells in its onset. Breast biopsies are typically recommended by the top oncologist in Mohali when something uncommon is seen. 

Your medical group might suggest a couple of types of biopsies, as well as there, are a couple of ways you can plan for your biopsy and be aggressive while you wait on results.

An individual will need a bust biopsy if an abnormal outcome is seen on a testing exam or if a breast lump is determined. Screening mammograms, breast ultrasounds, and bust MRIs are testing tools to examine for bust abnormalities.

Do I have any risk from the breast biopsy?

There is a small risk of bleeding after the biopsy, but this happens rarely.

You may discover swelling in the lymph nodes. It can last up to three months.

The doctor will remove the lung from the breast. The lump is known as a hematoma. It is also rare, but it can be treated if it should occur.

If you are having a lumpectomy, there may be some bleeding into the chest cavity around your heart. 

There’s a small risk that the biopsy needle could puncture nearby blood vessels and cause some bleeding. However, this type of complication is uncommon.

You may have a hard time moving your arm or shoulder the day of your biopsy because the area may be tender for an hour or two after your procedure. You should be able to move your arm before you leave, though.

Very rarely, there is a small chance that tissue will grow back abnormally during healing. You may need a second biopsy to confirm the diagnosis if this happens.

There is also a small chance that some cancer cells would still be left after the procedure if cancer were present before the biopsy. Therefore, your doctor will monitor you closely after your biopsy, and if necessary, the expert may recommend further treatment.

Make sure to take post-treatment at a super-specialty hospital in Mohali, such as Fortis Hospital

Are there any benefits of the breast biopsy procedure?

A Breast Biopsy is useful in suspicious breast lumps, thereby eliminating unnecessary surgery. It effectively mandates a proper clinical evaluation and, therefore, a decision whether to proceed with surgical treatment or not. In addition, it helps to diagnose the rate of cancerous cells present in the breast.

The biopsy also determines the grade of cancer present in the breast, which would help get proper treatment. Further, a Breast Biopsy can identify any infection or inflammation of the breast tissue. 

Lastly, this procedure helps determine if the breast’s pre-cancerous cells have turned into invasive cancer cells. 

Methods of Breast Biopsy

The doctor performs the breast biopsy in two common methods: Conventional and minimally invasive biopsy.

Method 1: Conventional biopsy:

The doctor will make an incision in the breast during the surgery, near the nipple. The tissue sample is usually taken from under the breast along the vertical line path running from under the areola to the edge of the pectoral muscle (where it attaches to bone). Besides, the doctor will remove a part of the breast and the sample. 

The doctor views the tissues under a microscope to look for cancer cells. The pathologist will also try to diagnose the type of tumor and grade of cancer, if possible.

Method 2: Minimally invasive biopsy:

The doctor inserts a needle into your breast near your nipple. Besides, the doctor may insert a needle around the underarm to remove a tissue sample from your breast. The needle sends a small core (needle core) through your skin and into your breast tissue at several locations around an abnormal area (lump or area).

Recovery Period from Breast Biopsy

  • Recovery time will vary with each person, but you should be able to resume your normal activities within a couple of days. However, you may need 4 to 5 days to recover.
  • You may return to work at your usual schedule as soon as your doctor allows it. However, you should take some rest after the breast biopsy as it requires a little discomfort.
  • After the surgery, you will likely feel some pain in your breast and underarm area for about one to two days. You may get pain medicine for this, and it should help you feel better during this time. However, the pain may differ from the discomfort you discover during a breast biopsy and may not necessarily be the same type of pain you experience during a lumpectomy.
  • After your procedure, it is important to keep your arm or shoulder elevated so that circulation can resume as quickly as possible. If it is uncomfortable to keep moving your arm, ask your doctor about ways to relieve any discomfort throughout recovery. 


Breast biopsy helps in the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, there are many other diagnostic tests you may need to perform. In addition, it is quite a long and tedious procedure. Yet, it has many advantages of its own. You may need to perform an entire body check-up for the same. 

Besides, you can get your full body check-up under one roof at Fortis Hospital Mohali. You can contact our health representatives to book an appointment with the doctor. Get more medical benefits from Credihealth.

Useful Links: Early Symptoms of Cancer

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.