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Rectal Cancer: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Well, people can have the formation of abnormal cells in the rectum over some time. An individual needs to look for signs of this cancer for seeking treatment options for rectal cancer. Simultaneously, a cancer specialist agrees that rectal cancer is curable when it is detected early. Besides that, people need to know about its cause of occurrence as well. Ultimately, a person may consult an oncologist for treating their symptoms. 

A reader can go through this article to know more about rectal cancer in detail. Here, an individual may also come across certain treatment options for eliminating its presence.

What do you mean by Rectal Cancer?

At times, one can end up developing cancer cells in the rectum which is a part of the large intestine. In general, an oncologist states that both men, as well as women, can be impacted by this disease.

Mostly, older individuals carry the utmost risk of being diagnosed with rectal cancer. Besides that, teenagers as well as young adults can also become the worst sufferer of this deadly disease.

What are the top symptoms of Rectal Cancer?

An experienced cancer specialist proceeds toward the treatment option for rectal cancer after knowing and assessing its symptoms. Moving on, an individual won’t trace any signs of this disease in its early stage. But, one can notice its symptoms as cancer proceeds toward the advanced stage.

A few top symptoms of rectal cancer may include:

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Mucus in the stool
  • Changes in the bowel movement
  • Pain while having a bowel movement
  • Feeling that my bowels didn’t empty completely
  • Constipation
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Changes in appetite
  • Discomfort in the abdomen
  • Iron-deficiency anemia

What are the main causes of Rectal cancer?

Truly, cancer doctors have no idea about the exact cause of rectal cancer’s occurrence. Herein, an oncologist notes down certain risk factors that can trigger cancer formation.

The certain main cause of rectal cancer may include the following:

  • Family History

A person with a family history of rectal cancer has the highest chance of developing this disease. But, an individual without any family history of rectal cancer can also end up having the same.

  • Age

Normally, people attaining 60 years or so have an increased chance of having various types of cancer. Following that, one must note that rectal cancer is commonly diagnosed in men as well as women above 60 years of age. 

  • Certain medical conditions

Many times, people suffering from severe medical conditions can have the highest risk of having rectal cancer. Moving on, an individual having inflammatory bowel disease may develop this deadly disease over time.

  • Obesity

People need to understand that obesity can cause certain changes in the body leading to cancer. So, an obese individual has the possibility of developing rectal cancer as compared to others. 

  • Smoking

A person has to realize the ill effects of smoking in causing rectal cancer. Furthermore, an individual has to know about the presence of poisonous fumes in cigarettes leading to cancer. 

  • Unhealthy Diet

People need to understand that having a diet of red meat daily can trigger the occurrence of rectal cancer. Besides that, a person must know that foods cooked under high-temperature can end up forming cancer cells. 

Therefore, one should take note of all the above causes of rectal cancer for their knowledge. Eventually, a person needs to escape these risk factors to stay away from cancer-causing germs. Following that, one can go for regular cancer screening for rectal cancer after attaining a certain age.

What are the best ways to treat rectal cancer?

Undoubtedly, people can come across multiple treatment options for rectal cancer. But, a doctor needs to check the stage as well as the location of rectal cancer before planning for the treatment. Herein, a patient’s opinion about the treatment option is also given enough significance.

Certain best ways to treat rectal cancer may include:

  • Surgery

An oncologist goes for surgical intervention to remove cancer cells in the rectum. A cancer specialist can go for any surgical means for extracting rectal cancer. 

  • Chemotherapy

Many times, cancer specialists go for chemotherapy before surgical intervention for shrinking the tumors. By doing so, a surgeon may find it easier to remove cancer cells present in the rectum. Besides that, a doctor may use chemotherapy to stop the spreading of cancer cells.

  • Radiation Therapy

A doctor may make use of high-energy rays for destroying cancer cells in the rectum. Furthermore, an oncologist can easily shrink tumors with radiation before going for surgical intervention.

Read Here: What is Radiation Therapy for Cancer?

  • Targeted Drug Therapy

An individual suffering from advanced rectal cancer can go for targeted drug therapy. In general, a doctor may administer this treatment along with chemotherapy. Herein, a person’s specific abnormalities can be easily attained with the means of targeted drug therapy. 

  • Immunotherapy

People can boost their immune systems by making use of immunotherapy. Besides that, one needs to know that this treatment makes the body capable enough to fight off cancer cells by itself.

Thus, a person may find numerous treatment options for rectal cancer from the above paragraph. Still, one can discuss the advantages as well as disadvantages of all treatment means with the cancer doctor.

How can rectal cancer be prevented?

Usually, doctors couldn’t find any relevant ways to prevent the occurrence of rectal cancer. But, an individual can lower the risk of this disease by following certain preventive measures.

Certain ways to prevent rectal cancer may include:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol regularly
  • Go for daily exercises
  • Consume healthy foods
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Do not smoke.


People need to have a deep understanding of the formation of rectal cancer for treating the disease. Herein, an individual must take note of the signs of rectal cancer for alleviating its symptoms. Eventually, a person must go through several options to treat its occurrence as well. Furthermore, one can talk to an oncologist for knowing more about the disease.

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.

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