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What are the Reasons for Late Periods other than Pregnancy?

Getting periods is both a blessing and a curse. It is something that only women can understand. On one hand, you will have to deal with cramps, bloating and mood swings, on the other hand, it becomes necessary to have periods regularly. But, there can also be chances that you may miss your periods. Having pregnancy is not the only factor to blame. The reason for late periods other than pregnancy can contribute to many other possibilities.

Reason for late periods

Here are mentioned some reasons for late periods:

  • Weight Loss

If the BMI rapidly dips below 18 or 19, you may start missing your periods. The presence of regular periods is not necessarily based on BMI. certain medical conditions like anorexia and bulimia can also cause missed periods. A highly active body and doing vigorous exercise can also be the reason for this. If you are losing weight, there can be other serious conditions like stress, hair fall, and loss of appetite. These conditions further lead to loss of regularity in periods.

  • Stress

Nature has a way of protecting you from getting pregnant especially if you are under stress. Stress prevents ovulation and the regular menstrual cycle. It can lead to fewer releases of the estrogen hormone that is necessary for normal reproductive activities or menstruation. There is a particular area of the brain called the hypothalamus where the release of hormones is regulated.

Hypothalamus is affected by stress. So, if you are dealing with a big move, the cause of someone’s death, a kind of breakup in your family or love life, or any event that is shaking you adversely, it could also be the cause of stress. This stress can cause you later periods or can be the reason for late periods other than pregnancy.

  • Thyroid Irregularity

Thyroid glands are located in your neck. It regulates the metabolism and lets itself interact with other systems of the body to help the body run in a good track or healthy way. If you are dealing with any kind of thyroid imbalance, there can be complications with the periods.

You can consider looking for the symptoms of thyroids disorder. These disorders are likely to affect health and most adversely the menstrual cycle in women. No matter what type of thyroid you have, it is likely to affect your body.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is the cause of hormonal imbalance in the body. This induces a lack of ovulation. This is the sign of an altered level of female reproductive hormones like progesterone, and estrogen. There are many symptoms concerning PCOS but it varies from person to person.

It can cause you to completely miss your periods. Other symptoms of PCOS include hair growth in the chest and face area, difficulty in losing weight, potential issues with infertility, etc. you can seek help from your doctor to plan the treatment. Only a doctor may help you get treated timely with the help of medications.

  • Chronic Diseases Like Celiac

It is one of the medical conditions that is characterized by the presence of gluten intolerance. Also, any of the medical conditions if left untreated can cause a disturbance in the general system of the body. This may also lead to weird period issues. This contributes to the reason for late periods other than pregnancy.

  • Birth Control

A missing period can be a harmless cause or side effect of what you take in the form of medications to avoid pregnancy. Some low-dose pills can make you feel a lack of estrogen hormone levels in your body. This ultimately leads to missing or late periods. The same goes with the use of hormonal IUDs, implants, or shots. Using birth control pills can take your time to consume the regular periods. It may resume within a few weeks or months.

  • Premature Menopause

When women under the age of 40 have hormone misfiring, they can go through premature menopause. This can lead to ovarian failure. Along with premature menopause, certain medical conditions like hot flashes, night sweats, missed periods, and vaginal dryness can also be the reasons.

Premature menopause is not the single condition that goes away within months. It comes with many other medical conditions that make a person feel a lifetime disease. It has the potential to cause immediate worries. Therefore, premature menopause can be the reason for late periods other than pregnancy.

When is the right time to seek help from a doctor?

Your doctor may diagnose the reason behind your late periods or missed periods. You can also keep a record of your missed periods. It will help you discuss things with your physician. This will help in making a diagnosis and selecting the right treatment. Hormonal problems are the major reason for late periods other than pregnancy. Similarly, there can be many medical conditions that may accompany the irregular bleeding of the periods. Connect immediately with the doctor, if you are having any of the following symptoms:

  • unusually heavy bleeding
  • fever
  • severe pain
  • nausea and vomiting
  • Periods that last long more than a week
  • Periods that have already entered the early menopause and not cause bleeding anymore

Useful Links: Online Doctor consultation app in India

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.