Pros and Cons of Radiation Therapy for Breast cancer


Among all the forms of cancer, breast cancer is quite common among women these days. Unlike all cancer, it becomes very crucial to increase the death rate among women. But, the recent innovations in the medical world have proved to be better for treating women having breast cancer. Also, the new treatment options have shown a decrease of about 40 percent of sufferers of breast cancer. Although this is great news for the health experts, still certain issues have been found with its treatment, i.e. radiation therapy. A team of oncologists at VS hospital ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer. 

So, this article will let you know about the implication of radiation therapy in breast cancer and its advantages plus disadvantages. 

Can Breast Cancer be Much painful?

The sensation of a mass in the breast is often referred to as the primary symptom of breast cancer. Many times, pain isn’t attached to these lumps. But, many times a feeling of pain can be felt in the nipple as well as that area of the breast that is linked to the menstrual cycle. However, breast cancer develops very slowly and so does the pain.

As pain is not much associated with breast cancer so care must be taken to be aware and consult the cancer specialists of VS Hospital as soon as possible.

Important Causes of Breast Cancer

As soon as a girl leaves puberty, the breast develops with all the glands and tissues. Following that, milk production is associated with such glands only. There is a small tube that becomes the gateway of taking milk in the nipple. Although the process sounds simple the reality is different. 

Mostly, when the DNA gets ruptured and genetic mutations to form in the breast, it leads into breast cancer. To add on, some people already have genes within them that become dominant in causing cancer. At other times estrogen becomes the culprit. Having breast cancer is dangerous as the defective cells keep on increasing their number with time and this slowly turns into a deadly disease. Most often, the milk-providing duct is attacked very soon and then the rest of the breast.

Main Symptoms of Breast Cancer

At the initial stage, breast cancer can be detected by looking out for a long tissue that is concentrated over the breast area. There are several other symptoms of breast cancer as notified by the doctors of Vs hospital. These symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain in the breast doesn’t decrease with time can be a sign.
  • Sometimes, blood can also be seen in the area of the nipple.
  • Experiencing a kind of peeled skin in the nipple.
  • Observing the change of the breast’s shape over time.
  • The nipple turning inverted can also be a cause of concern.

But, a note should be taken as certain lumps in the breast can’t mean cancer formation. Still, a contact with top cancer expert is a must for the patient.

Risks for Breast Cancer

Several factors can be risky as far the breast cancer is concerned. The following can be the main factors that will be risky for breast cancer:

  • Genes are prominently responsible for catching up with breast cancer. Mainly BRCA1 as well as BRCA2 genes lead to be inherited from family mostly. Generally, testing yourself for breast cancer if the family has it becomes very necessary.
  • Age can be a very important factor that can determine breast cancer in women. Younger women have very few chances of having breast cancer as compared with the old ones.
  • Having thick breast tissue can be dominant too in having breast cancer. Diagnosis for that disease in the initial stage becomes much necessary then.
  • Being overweight followed by menstruation can be serious. Breast cancer increases if the level of estrogen increases.
  • Race can be one of the risk factors among women in forming breast cancer. Similarly, black women have breast cancer in large amounts as compared to of white women.

So, various factors can be proved to be very risky for women having breast cancer. Just proper measures and appropriate treatments can work well in this regard.

Radiation Therapy and Breast Cancer: Advantages and Disadvantages

Find the below pros and cons of Radiation Therapy for Breast cancer

Pros of Radiation Therapy for Breast cancer

As an important form of treatment, radiation therapy goes well for any kind of cancer treatment. Similarly, destroying the cancer cells is one of the top advantages that can be linked up with breast cancer. Also, the victims can reduce their pain normally by using radiation therapy.

 If the patient doesn’t want to hamper the tissue and just requires surgery for the cancer part in this breast, then doctors mostly use the techniques of radiation therapy for the treatment. Following that, doctors in breast cancer can recommend this kind of therapy to completely destroy the cancer cells from the root. Even, in people whose cancer cells have expanded at an uncontrollable rate radiation therapy can be a boon to put a barrier in spreading cancer to affect other organs. Naturally, it is one of the most obvious treatments for patients.

Cons of Radiation Therapy for Breast cancer

With many advantages, the disadvantages can follow up always. Indeed, breast cancer has side effects to a large extent. So, as radiation therapy is targeted to the affected part of the skin, it is natural for the skin to change its color. Even, swelling in the skin becomes quite common. To add on, uneasiness as well as pain forms in the best after being treated with radiation therapy.

Sometimes, stiffness in the breast after breast cancer due to radiation is mostly common among women. The patient also feels tired most of the time after being given radiation therapy. They turn out to be irritating and feel the victim of sore throat as well. The main traumatic side effect can be the shape change of the breast. Here women face sleepless nights as they become much concerned after their treatment. Other problems that can show up include having heart diseases as well as certain lung ailments as well.

Thus, breast cancer in itself is a big disease and on top of that, having the side effects after treating it with radiation can be really heartbreaking.

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