What causes Gastric cancer?


Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a kind of cancer that occurs from the stomach lining. Essentially, it develops when cells in the stomach lining begin to expand excessively and create tumors. Cancers are often defined by abnormal cells that give birth to them.

Other stomach cancers include gastrointestinal stromal tumors, lymphoma, and carcinoid tumors. Stomach cancer develops slowly over time and because it is commonly detected late. Stomach cancer is more frequent in males than in women and mainly affects older persons.

Furthermore, because the cancer type is often tough to cure, it is essential to refer to the best oncologist in Delhi for stomach cancer treatment.

Risk Factors & Causes of gastric cancer

The great majority of causes of gastric cancer are connected to lifestyle factors, which may explain why it seldom affects young people. However, various lifestyle decisions also have a significant role:

  • Age – Gastric cancer is more frequent in adults over age 55. The majority of stomach cancer patients are in their 60s and 70s.
  • Gender – Men are twice as likely as women to have stomach cancer.
  • Bacteria – Infection with Helicobacter pylori is often known as H. pylori. The bacterium causes stomach inflammation and ulcers in susceptible individuals. According to researchers, it’s also one of the primary causes of stomach cancer. Testing for H. pylori is available, and infection is treated with medication if it is discovered.
  • Family history of cancer – People who have someone in their family, including parents or grandparents, with a history of stomach cancer are more likely to have the condition. Furthermore, Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, Lynch syndrome, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC), and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) may also increase the risk of stomach cancer.
  • Diet – A high-salt diet has been related to an increased risk of stomach cancer. This diet includes foods preserved by drying, smoking, salting, pickling, and foods with high salt content. Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables may help reduce your risk.
  • Previous surgery or health issues – People with stomach cancer are more likely to have had stomach surgery, pernicious anemia, or Achlorhydria. Pernicious anemia occurs when the stomach cannot absorb adequate vitamin B12, resulting in a significant drop in red blood cells and causing stomach cancer disease.
  • Occupational risk – Certain dust and gases have been linked to an increased risk of getting stomach cancer.
  • Addiction to Tobacco and alcoholic beverages – Tobacco usage and excessive alcohol use may raise stomach cancer.
  • Obesity – A man’s chance of having stomach cancer rises with his body weight. Obesity does not appear to raise a woman’s risk of stomach cancer.

Various other factors may also cause stomach cancer in patients. However, having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean getting stomach cancer.

Know Also: Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Indication of gastric cancer

People at a high risk of getting stomach cancer should visit cancer doctors regularly for potential symptoms. Early symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  • Nausea and vomiting: Especially after eating and regurgitating solid food. Vomit can occasionally contain blood.
  • Feeling full after a modest amount of food (early satiety): Many cancer patients feel a sense of ‘fullness’ in their upper abdomen after consuming small amounts of food.
  • Bloody stools: Some individuals have rectal bleeding, which may be identified by the presence of black, tar-like blood in their stool, toilet bowl, or toilet paper. This signifies bleeding from the stomach or the top region of the small intestine.
  • Patients may experience a lack of appetite and rapid or unexplained weight loss.
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort above the navel may indicate a stomach tumor. Stomach cancer can also cause swelling and fluid buildup in the abdomen.

Prevention includes – The best oncologist in Delhi can assist you in preventing gastric cancer. To lower your chances of having stomach cancer, do the following:

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid a diet heavy in smoked and pickled foods, as well as salted meats and seafood.
  • Keep a healthy weight
  • Get Treated for bacterial infections caused by H. pylori.

Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome is recognized to cause a tiny fraction of stomach cancers. Suppose you have a personal history of invasive lobular breast cancer before the age of 50 or close family members who have had stomach cancer. In that case, you should discuss with a genetics specialist about having the CDH1 gene mutation evaluated. Lynch syndrome is another genetic cancer disease associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer.

What if diagnosed with gastric cancer?

Early diagnosis of gastric cancer is a must as if ignored, it might be deadly. However, stomach cancer is frequently not detected until it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs. Only one in every five persons will live for five years if the disease is advanced.

Stomach cancer is treatable with surgery if detected early. In that situation, it may be beneficial to discuss your treatment choices with your physicians, family, and friends. You can ask as many questions as you need and get as much information as you can. It is entirely up to you how involved you want to make treatment decisions. 

To get the best possible treatment: You can find the best oncologist in Delhi on Credihealth and consult for the best treatment option for stomach cancer. Credihealth, one of the emerging healthcare portals for finding the top cancer doctors and hospitals, allows you to find the best doctor by name, location, and budget. It is quite straightforward to browse the doctor’s list and subsequent treatment cost associated that displays in a highly user-friendly manner on CrediHealth based on the patient’s reviews and related expenses. People may even sort by chosen area to find the finest gastric cancer hospitals nearby.

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