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Know the Causes of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer symptoms are frequently missed because tumors tend to be slow-growing and not recognized until patients begin to show signs such as urine that is bloody or fatigue, pain, and a visible mass. According to experts, smoking and drinking are the top causes of kidney cancer

The reasons for this aren’t known; However, external factors such as obesity and smoking are linked to the higher risk of developing. In addition, changes in environmental variables and the aging of the population have led to increases in the incidence of this type of cancer

We will then explore the specifics of the causes of cancer and ways to avoid it.

What Causes Kidney Cancer?

Know about the following main causes of kidney cancer – 

  • Lifestyle factors: Smoking, a high-fat diet, and exposure to toxic chemicals are a few examples of choices in our lives that could be risk factors for certain adult cancers. 
  • Family history: Cancers of various forms can appear multiple times. It is unclear when the cause is the genetic mutation exposure to chemicals within the family’s home or the combination of these causes or simply a chance.
  • Certain genetic disorders: The immune system is an intricate system that protects our bodies from illness and infection. The bone marrow is a source of cells that eventually mature and are part of the immune system.
  • Exposure to certain viruses: HIV, which creates AIDS, has been linked to an increased chance of developing certain cancers in children, including Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The virus may alter the cell in the way that it is. This cell then reproduces an altered one, and, in the end, the alterations are an infected cell that produces more cancerous cells.
  • Environmental exposures to pesticides, fertilizers, and power lines are being examined to link to cancers in children directly. There is evidence of cancer developing in children who are not related to them in certain areas or cities
  • Some forms of high-dose chemotherapy and radiation: In some instances, children exposed to these drugs might develop a malignancy later on in their lives. These powerful anticancer drugs can alter their immune systems. Another type of malignancy is a form of cancer that develops because of the treatment of another cancer.

Rare causes of kidney cancer

  • Dialysis for a Longer Span in Time

Dialysis helps treat severe kidney failure patients or other kidney disorders. It can save many lives, kidney patients. However, its overuse and excessive use for a longer time to eliminate the inconsistencies of the kidneys could occasionally have a negative result. 

  • High-blood Pressure:

Kidneys’ primary function is to cleanse the blood of impurities and control the too high pressure in the blood. If for whatever reason, the kidneys fail at any point, the kidney will be unable to manage the stress. It causes the growth of cells that are too large in the bloodstreams. These cells interact with hormones unfavorably and ultimately lead to cancerous kidney cells.

  • Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) Syndrome:

The syndrome is uncommon and is referred to as a congenital illness. In VHL syndrome, there is a cyst formation over the eyes, inside the brain, and various body organs. In addition, atypical VHL gene alteration increases the danger of developing cancerous cells.

  • The workplace Cancer Contraction:

The workers in mills, mines, oil rigs, and various factories are more susceptible to kidney cancer. In addition, because they work in a place where diverse chemical substances or toxic substances are breathed in daily, the respiratory system creates significant health problems.

In particular, when a chemical or toxic substance inhaled gets into the kidneys and lungs through the breathing tube, it starts to damage the body’s organs quickly. But, the person may not be aware of it initially, but symptoms start to show over time.

Food that damages your kidney and may lead to cancer

The kidney is an essential organ that helps eliminate metabolic waste from the body. But, some foods could damage the kidney.

Red Meat: A diet filled with a large amount of red meat (animal protein) can be detrimental to our kidneys. It can result in overworking the kidneys when it attempts to process it. Besides, it can accumulate acidic residue within our bodies when kidneys cannot eliminate waste materials.

Alcohol: Drinking too much can also cause kidney overwork. It could prevent the kidney from effectively removing bloodborne waste. Also, alcohol can cause dehydration. Dehydration may cause tissues and organs to cease functioning.

Table Salt: An excess quantity of sodium may cause kidneys to store water. Salt can cause an increase in the amount of protein eliminated through urine.

Caffeine: Caffeine found in beverages like tea, coffee, and sodas stimulates blood flow and increases blood pressure. It may increase the volume of work performed by kidneys. In addition, caffeine can trigger body dehydration, just like table salt. Dehydration may also cause kidney stones.

Artificial Sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can harm our kidneys and overall health. Due to the damaging press sugar gained in recent years, many businesses have begun with artificial sweeteners. Beware of these sweeteners. Instead, use honey or stevia to sweeten your drink.

Carbonated Beverages: Carbonated drinks (sodas and energy drinks) are the primary cause of kidney disease. They contain artificial sweeteners, sugar, and caffeine. They may be refreshing in flavor, but they do not provide any health advantages for your kidneys.

Can smoking cause kidney cancer?

Smokers are more likely to develop kidney cancer. Smoking can lead cancerous cells to grow on the kidney’s surface quite quickly. If smokers smoke, the fumes that are inhaled in the form of tobacco directly impacts the kidney and lungs. The cancerous cells that develop on the kidney’s surface and the lung region are impossible to remove in any way. Therefore, for smokers, smoking cigarettes is more harmful. 

Does obesity cause kidney cancer?

One of the primary reasons for kidney cancer is weight gain. In addition, poor eating habits or excessive eating creates more fatty acids, which accumulate on the kidney tissues and abdominal areas. These fatty acids could expose individuals to kidney cancer. In addition, acidic substances can accelerate the development of cancerous cells located on the kidney’s surface. Being overweight, obese, and having high blood pressure are some causes of kidney cancer.

How does alcohol affect your kidney?

Your kidneys are responsible for filtering harmful substances out of your blood. One of them is alcohol. Alcohol can affect the kidneys’ function and cause them to be less able to cleanse your blood. Apart from the process of removing blood, your kidneys perform a variety of other duties.

One of the tasks is to ensure that you have the correct amount of water within your body. Alcohol can affect the capacity of your kidneys in doing this. If alcohol causes dehydration (dries away) the body, this drying effect may alter the normal functioning of organs and cells, including kidneys.

Drinking too much alcohol can influence blood pressure. Alcohol drinkers tend to develop hypertension. In addition, medications to lower blood pressure may affect the effects of alcohol. High blood pressure is the most common reason for kidney disease. Two drinks or more per day could increase your risk of suffering from elevated blood pressure.

If you experience the symptoms of kidney cancer, then you shall consult a doctor at Cytecare Hospital.


The cause of cancer is that our cells become mutated beyond the control of our bodies, creating tumors that can turn cancerous. One of the main reasons hidden within our genetics is the DNA that we inherit through our grandparents. Another reason is that our genes have been altered due to our habits and lifestyles – acquired gene mutations. You should know the symptoms of cancer as well. 

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.

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