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What are the early Symptoms of Cancer?

When we have some disease, some signs, and symptoms both warn us of the disease.

Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any sign or symptom. Signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is, how big it is, and how much it affects organs or tissues. If your cancer has spread, you may notice signs or symptoms in different places of your body. As cancer grows, it can begin to stress nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. Some of the signs and symptoms of cancer are caused by this pressure. If the cancer is in a significant area, such as parts of the brain, then even the smallest tumor can cause symptoms.

But sometimes cancer starts in places where it doesn’t cause any signs or symptoms until it’s big enough. Cancers of the pancreas, for example, usually do not cause symptoms until they are large when they press on nearby nerves or organs (this causes back or abdominal pain). . Others can develop around the bile duct and block the flow of bile. The eyes and skin get yellow as a result of this (jaundice). Pancreatic cancer is frequently in an advanced stage by the time signs or symptoms like these appear. This means that it has spread beyond the place where it started (pancreas) –

Symptoms such as fever, extreme tiredness, or weight loss may appear in the primary stages of cancer. This may be because cancer cells use up too much of the body’s energy supply, or they may release substances that change the way the body makes energy from food. Cancer can react with the immune system to produce such signs and symptoms.

Know: Can Mold Cause Cancer?

Common Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Some of the common signs and symptoms of cancer are as follows. What we should know. But remember, having any of these symptoms doesn’t mean you have cancer. These symptoms can be from many other diseases also. If you have any of these symptoms and they last for a long time or get worse, please consult a doctor to find out the cause.

  • Unexplained weight loss

Many people with cancer lose weight at one point or another. When weight loss occurs for no known reason, it is called unexplained weight loss. An unexplained weight loss of more than five kilos may be the first sign of cancer. This symptom is mostly seen in cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus (swallowing tube), or lung.

  • Fever

Fever is a very common symptom/sign with cancer, but if cancer spreads to the body from the area where it has occurred, fever often occurs. Almost everyone with cancer has a fever at some point, especially if cancer or its treatment affects the immune system. Often, fever can be an early sign of blood cancer such as leukemia or lymphoma.

  • Exhaustion

If you feel extreme fatigue that does not get better with rest, this can be an important symptom as cancer progresses. But this cancer can occur early in leukemia, eg. Some stomach or colon cancers can cause blood loss that is unclear. Cancer can also produce tiredness in this way.

  • Pain

Pain can be an early symptom in some cancers, such as bone or testicular. A headache that doesn’t go away or gets better with treatment may be a symptom of a brain tumor. If you are experiencing back pain, that can be a symptom of cancer of the colon, rectum, or ovary. Pain due to cancer means that it has already spread (metastasized) in the body.

Skin color or other changes can be a symptom/sign of skin cancer. In this, the skin becomes itchy, yellow, or more red in color, these symptoms are seen.

Prolonged constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the shape of the stool can be a sign of colon cancer. Pain when urinating, blood in the urine or changes in bladder function (such as the need to pass urine more or less often than usual) may be related to bladder or prostate cancer. Report any change in bladder or bowel function to a doctor.

Many cancers can be felt through the skin. This cancer mostly occurs in the breast, testicles, lymph nodes (glands), and soft tissues of the body. A lump may be an early or late sign of cancer.

In this way, there are many symptoms of cancer, which depend on which part of the body is cancer. We should keep one thing in mind that whenever any change in the habits of our body is observed i.e. any problem in the throat while eating/drinking, pain while passing stool, passing lot of stools and other such conditions can be a sign of cancer. But do not panic because of such symptoms and take proper advice and medicines.

You or the people around you may feel a deep shock as soon as they come to know about the disease of cancer. A serious and deadly disease like cancer has created fear in the hearts of people. To avoid this disease, it is very important for you to lead a healthy lifestyle. Lack of nutritious diet and unhealthy habits in food increases the risk of cancer disease.

How can cancer be avoided?

The smallest unit of our body is the cell. There are 100 to 1000 trillion cells or cells in the body. Many cells are being produced all the time and old and bad cells also get destroyed. As many new cells are produced in any normal tissue of the body, so many old cells also die. In this way, the balance is maintained. This balance is disturbed in cancer. There is an unbridled increase in their sales. Wrong lifestyles and things like tobacco, alcohol cause cancer by changing the genetic code of a cell. Let’s know what to do to avoid cancer according to the advice of doctors.

  • Don’t smoke tobacco

Tobacco is the main cause of cancer in our country. Apart from smokers, passive smokers and those who live in polluted air also increase the risk of cancer manifold. Those who chew tobacco or pan masala are more prone to oral cancer. 45 types of carcinogenic substances are found in tobacco. Other ingredients are added to paan-masala for taste and aroma, which increases the number of carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) in it. Gutkha (pan masala) whether it is tobacco or non-tobacco, does both harms. Yes, gutka with tobacco is more harmful. Doctors advise not to consume tobacco for good health.

  • Abstain from Alcohol

Doctors say that if your diet is right, then drinking one to two drinks of alcohol daily is good for your health. But, excess alcohol can also cause cancer. Drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of cancer of the esophagus, throat, liver, and breast. The high amount of alcohol in the drink, as well as tobacco consumption, increases the risk of cancer manifold. Therefore, to avoid cancer, stop the consumption of alcohol.

  • Breast cancer screening

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Most of the women are unaware of its symptoms, so this disease spreads a lot. That’s why it’s important to keep checking it. It is not that this disease occurs only in elderly women. Young women can also be victims of this. Therefore, regular screening for breast cancer should be done. You can also do this test yourself. If any type of lump or abnormality is seen in the breast, then contact the doctor immediately.

  • Pap smear test in women

It is an inexpensive, simple, and reliable test to diagnose and predict cervical cancer. In this, cells are removed as a sample by inserting a spatula into the uterus and they are examined. Every woman should get this test done every two years after three years of marriage.

  • Reduce non-vegetarian food

A study by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) found that breast, prostate, colon and rectum cancers were more common in people who ate a high-fat diet. An 11-year study in Germany found that people who ate vegetarian food had less cancer than the general population. Cancer was lowest among those who had not eaten non-veg for 20 years. It takes more enzymes and more time to digest meat. Undigested food for a long time creates acid and other toxic chemicals in the stomach, which promote cancer.

  • Protection against viruses and bacteria

The human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer. There are ways to avoid this – take care of the relationship and cleanliness with the same partner. Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers, can also cause stomach cancer, so it is important to get the treatment of ulcers done on time.

  • Healthy Diet

Eat fibrous things made from plants like fruits, vegetables, and grains. The anti-oxidant elements present in it play an important role in destroying cancer-causing chemicals. Various vitamins present in vegetarianism increase the body’s immunity and cancer cells are not able to flourish and cause disease. Eat less page drive and processed food. Eat fewer things cooked for a long time on high flame.

So, to avoid a deadly disease like cancer, the doctor can suggest you these remedies. Along with this, you should also improve your lifestyle. Make exercise a part of your everyday life. This will keep your health good and muscles will get stronger.

Useful Links:

Can Lung Cancer Cause Anemia?

What to do when cancer is detected?

Is blood cancer curable?

Laser Treatment for Skin Cancer

Cyberknife Treatment for Prostate Cancer

How does lung cancer affect the other organs?

Non-small cell lung cancer

Can smoking cause Thyroid cancer?

Immunotherapy treatment for brain cancer

Third Generation Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

What Causes Gastric Cancer?

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.

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