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How does lung cancer affect the other organs?

Lung cancer is a severe condition that is developed in the lungs. It has controlled growth and spreads rapidly in the body. Besides, lung cancer reduces a person’s ability to breathe. Smoking is one of the leading reasons for lung cancer. According to an Oncologist in Chennai, lung cancer can affect the internal structure and tissues of the lung. Not only that, there are many organs affected by lung cancer, it includes the bones, the brain and the vocal cords. However, almost every organ is affected by lung cancer.

Organs affected by Lung Cancer

As we know, every cancer condition leaves an impact on the other organs in the body. Hence, organs typically affected by lung cancer are:

  • The Brain

Many patients discover the symptoms such as visual issues, amnesia, and headaches. In addition, you may experience partial seizures and loss of strength. The brain is impacted by lung cancer as the cells reach the brain in the second stage. The patient also faces difficulty in thinking and face memory loss.

  • The Liver

The endocrine glands are also affected majorly by brain cancer. However, the signs and symptoms are not revealed in the early stage. Yet, a patient witnesses a burning sensation during urination. 

  • The Bones

The bones of the vertebrae area, including thighs and ribs, are affected by lung cancer. The symptoms are a pain in the thigh area and swelling in the ribs. However, the symptoms are undetected, and they just appear like side effects.

  • The Nerves

The cancerous cells affect the nerves, tissues, and muscles. It impacts the nerves by causing severe pain in the shoulders. Hence, nerves in the brain are also somewhat affected due to the lung cancer cells.

  • The Vocal Cords

Lung cancer has an impact on the throat and vocal areas. The esophagus faces difficulty swallowing and discovers internal infection. The infection can be severe, and sometimes it is difficult to treat. 

  • The Lung

Last but not the least, lungs are also affected by cancer. The internal walls get severely damaged due to the after-effects. The patient may encounter bleeding, hunger, weight loss, and several health problems.

If more than one organ is affected, then it is an alarming sign. It is sensible to get a complete check-up by a medical professional as quickly as possible. As we know the lung cancer can affect the other crucial organs in the body. In addition, respiratory organs affected by lung cancer can create health complications. Thus, a complete diagnosis becomes necessary. Besides, Oncologist in Chennai suggests getting hormonal and immunotherapy for the same. 

Also Know: Can Lung Cancer Cause Anemia?

How does lung cancer affect the respiratory system?

  • Cancerous cells spread in the lungs and multiply rapidly. It spreads throughout the membranes around the lungs. Firstly you will encounter the symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia. A change in voice also occurs due to lung cancer. Recurring cough increases and produces mucus with blood. You can also witness hacking, coughs, and pain in the throat. 
  • Besides, the areas in the throat get affected severely due to cancer. In addition, triggering pain in the center of the chest appears. Tiredness and not being able to perform daily activities. Breathing problems and soreness while inhaling and exhaling. Throat pain with cough carrying blood is also observed in the patients.
  • Fluid accumulates in the area of the lungs and creates mild pain. It strains your vocal cords and causes breathing difficulties.

Impact of Lung Cancer on Immune System

  • The cancerous cells spread up to lymph nodes. After the lymph nodes in the lymphatic system reach other parts of the body, the patient may encounter lumps or bumps around his neck areas. In addition, it can affect the collarbone, armpits and enter the bloodstream. 
  • Facial swelling is one of the symptoms caused by lung cancer. In addition, it affects the hormones present in the body. It leads to hormonal imbalance in the body, especially in women. 
  • Yet, another impact of lung cancer occurs on the liver. Patients are suffering from jaundice and diarrhea due to the cancer condition. The skin starts getting yellow, and you may feel sick for the entire day. The doctor may provide immunotherapy or hormonal therapy for the same. 
  • Besides, lung cancer also affects the nervous system and causes the following symptoms:
  1. Memory loss
  2. Visual problems
  3. Numbness in the body
  4. Hormonal changes
  5. Sleepiness
  6. Weakness in the limbs
  7. Dizziness
  8. An unsteady gait
  9. Pancoast tumor

Lung cancer can also lead to Horner’s syndrome. Thus, before cancer affects other parts of the body, take immediate treatment. Oncologist in Chennai offers proper medical advice and treatment plan for the same. Cancer can spread to the bone and can cause muscle weakness. It affects mobility, swallowing, chewing, and talking. 

What are the treatment options for Lung Cancer?

  • The oncologist/pulmonologist will provide treatment depending upon the condition. It includes:
  • Lobectomy of the lung. It involves removing one of the lobes of the lungs.
  • Lung wedge resection. It is the removal of the lobe and tumor together. In addition, the tissues are also removed. 
  • Lung segmentectomy is a surgical procedure in which a portion/segment of the lung is removed.
  • Pneumonectomy is the removal of entire lung tissue.
  • Radiation therapy helps to kill the cancerous cells
  • Immunotherapy helps to increase the immune system.
  • Medications are given to the patient to improve their health quality. 

Every cancer condition affects different organs severely. However, there is hope; if the condition is diagnosed in the primary stage, the patient has a high chance of recovering. If lung cancer is treated correctly initially, then it has less impact on the other organs. Besides, in the primary stage, the nervous system and respiratory system are less affected.

In addition, the organs affected by lung cancer may need extra medical attention.

Treatment such as lung cancer surgery combined with chemotherapy can reduce the symptoms. 

Non-small cell lung cancer does not cause severe complications. Yet, it is essential to do a check-up during the period. 

If you discover any warning signs in the postoperative period, then seek immediate medical advice. Besides, Oncologist in Chennai can provide complete medical treatments and proper medical advice. You can call on +91 8010-994-994 and book an appointment with the top oncologist in Chennai through Credihealth.

Also Know: Can Mold Cause Cancer? | Radiation Treatment for Prostate Cancer | What to do When cancer is detected | Early Symptoms of Cancer 

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As a content and digital marketing specialist in the healthcare industry, Jyoti brings an abundance of experience and expertise to the table. With a background in healthcare communications, Jyoti is well-versed in the nuances of the industry and is able to create compelling, accurate and engaging content that resonates with healthcare professionals and patients alike.